
Основы английской фразеологии

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Основы английской фразеологии
Название: Основы английской фразеологии
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 216
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Основы английской фразеологии - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Амосова Н. Н.

Книга представляет собой сокращенную редакцию докторской диссертации автора. В ней  излагается обобщающая теория английской   фразеологии, построенная на новых, впервые вводимых  автором принципах трактовки языкового материала. В книге применен контекстологический метод анализа словесных сочетаний, обеспечивающий объективную классификацию фразеологических единиц и   отграничение их от свободных сочетаний, а также  разработаны основные понятия фразеологии как особой отрасли языкознания. Все это делает работу  серьезным вкладом в теорию языка. Книга предназначена для  филологов-германистов, а также для всех лингвистов, занимающихся лексикологией и фразеологией на материале других языков. 

Внимание! Книга может содержать контент только для совершеннолетних. Для несовершеннолетних чтение данного контента СТРОГО ЗАПРЕЩЕНО! Если в книге присутствует наличие пропаганды ЛГБТ и другого, запрещенного контента - просьба написать на почту [email protected] для удаления материала

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to 101

bring up, to 131, 134

bring up the rear, to 60

broad awake 67

broken tea 60, 65

brown bread 65, 190

brown study 87, 95

but for 130

by and by 123

by (long) chalks 127

by day 127

by heart 130, 172, 173, 178

by hook or by crook 86

by nature 127—128

by (in) snatches 130

by stealth 127

by then 128

by (with) the run 130

Cadmean victory 68

call a spade a spade, to 125

call (smb) names, to 61, 165

Canterbury story (tale) 71

cap and bells 124

cape-and-sword comedy 149

capful of wind 60

cap in hand(s) 156, 179

carry coals to Newcastle, to 101

carrying capacity 105

cast (scatter) bread upon the waters,

to 99

cast (throw, fling) (smth) in (smb's)

face, to 1 CI

catch (clutch) at a straw, to 100

cat o'nine tails 107 '/

caught in a net 151

centrifugal force 105

centripetal force 105

Cesarian operation (section) 71

change of heart 61

chest of .drawers 104

chop and change, to 88, 122

Christian name 68

city Arab 71

clean broke 68

cocked hat 94

cock of the walk 172

cogwheel breathing 106

cold as a key, as 146

cold weapon 60

come back, to 131

come in, to 131

come off, to 134

come to an end, to 103

common sense 60, 64, 190

consuetudinary law 108

cool cucumber, a 171

cool as a cucumber, as 171, 172

court-martial 177

crack a joke, to 60

cream of tartar 105

Crescent City, the 84

crossed questions and crooked

answers 127

cross (smb's) path, to 165

cross the Rubicon, to 90, 164

cry out, to 132

cry stinking fish, to 135

cudgel (one's) brains, to 73

cupboard love 61

current coin 154, 171

curse of Cain, the 154

Danaids* work 66

dance attendance, to 155

dark horse 73


daughter-in-law 169

day after the fair, the 73

dead as a door-nail, as 146

dead as Queen Ann, as 146

deaf as an ass, as 146

deaf nut 65, 94, 172, 173

dear sir 107

death bed repentance 149

death's head 153, 154, 155

devil's own luck, the 149

devil's paternoster 78

dog-and-chain 105

dog days 177

dog in the manger 187

dog's life 60, 66

don't mention it 107

dormant partner 67

down in the mouth 172

drat it (you) 142

draw it mild 141

draw water with (in) a sieve, to 101

dree (one's) weird, to 87, 183

dressed up to the nines 151

drop down upon, to 135

drop in, to 135

drown the miller, to 126

dry as a bone, as 147

Dutch auction 62

Dutch bargain 63

Dutch comfort 71

Dutch consolation 71

Dutch courage 63

Dutch defence 63

Dutch feast 63

Dutch treat 63

eat humble pie, to 91, 126

eat up, to 131, 132

end of (smb's) tether, the 154

end up, to 132

Endymion's sleep 66

English elm 64

enough and to spare 124

every cloud has its silver lining 145

everyday life 104

eVil genius 171

external maxillary artery 105

fair and square 124

fall flat, to 187, 188

fall out, to 131, 135, 187

false acacia 62

far cry 60, 65

father-in-law 169

feast today and fast tomorrow 123, 124

feather (one's) nest, to 79

feed the fishes, to 93

feel like (+Gerund), to 120

fiddler's news 66

fiddle while Rome is burning, to 136

fight like Kilkenny cats, to 86, 148

fine (gay) as the king's candle, as 99

first catch your hare 141

first name 68

first night 60

fish with a silver hook, to 187

fix up, to 132

flesh and blood 94

floating capital 68, 187

fool's (granny's) knot 68

for all (one) knows 139

for a song 127

for certain 129

for ever 128

for fun 127

forget-me-not 168

for good 172, 178

for keeps 127

for once 128

for show 127

for sure 128, 129

for the present 128

frame of mind 60

freezing (congealing) point 105

French chop 63

French desease 63

French horn 63

French leave 63

French pancake 63

French telephone 63

French toast 63

French window' 63

from the cradle 127

full and by 124

funny bone 106

fur and feather 124

gentleman in black, the 154

German silver 62

get the better (of smb, smth), to 154

get the hang (of smth), to 165

get the order of the boot, to 101—102

get the right sow by the ear, to 101

get the sack, to 101

get (one's) walking orders, to 102

gild the pill, to 78

gilded youth 60

give a laugh, to 113, 117, 119

give a lift, to 119

give a loaf and beg a shive, to 76, 87

give a smile 114

give in, to 134

give (smb) quite a turn, to 119

give (show) the cold shoulder (to

smb), to 99

give up, to 151, 155

give up the ghost, to 109

Gladstone bag 64

glance up, to 131

go away, to 131


God knows 139

Golden Age, the 154, 171

good morning (evening) 107

go on, to 135

go to Bath 142

go to bed (school, church etc), to 120

go to (pot) ruin, to 126

go to the forefathers, to 101

Governor-general 169

go West, to 101

Grand Old Man, the 85

grass widow 78, 87, 172

greedy as a cow in a clover, as 147

greedy as a hawk, as 146

green table 62, 177, 178

grey goose 62

grey mare, the 79, 80, 183,

grin like a Cheshire cat, to 148, 149

grind (one's) teeth, to 60, 67

grit (one's) teeth, to 67

guiding principle 104

half and half 124

half-licked (unlicked) cub 99

hammer and tongs 79, 172

hang fire, to 94

hang it (all) 142, 143

hang on by (one's) eyelashes (eyelids,

eyebrows), to 78, 99

happy as a clam at high tide, as 147

happy as a king, as 146

hard (soft) money 190

have a dig (at smth), to 94

have a swim, to 113, 114

have a smoke, to 113, 114

have (one's) heart in (one's) mouth,

to 78

have many strings to (one's) bow 93

have no heart (to do smth), to 167

have no idea (of smth), to 103

have no option but (to do smth),

to 103

have no stomach (for smth), to 6i

have the face (to do smth), to 61, 65

have the game in (one's) hands 92

heads I win, tails you lose 144

head over heels 86

heads or tails 122

heart and soul 122

heaven knows 140

high and dry 124

high and mighty 122

hit the right nail on the head, to 101

Hobson's choice 64, 172, 177, 188

hold the baby, to 189

hold (one's) tongue, to 141, 166

hold water, to 126

hook, line and sinker, 123, 124

hope for the best, to 103

hop the twig, to 101

howl (oneself) to sleep, to 120

hue and cry 76, 87

hunting case 106

husband's tea 60, 66, 172

hush up, to 132

if ever there was one 139, 172

if I were you 103

if (the) worst comes to (the) worbt


if you don't like it, you can lump it


in a fix 127

in a fog 127

in a fume 127

in a hurry 128

in a moment 128

in a shake 127

in brief 129

in clear 12§, 130

in common 129

Indian file 62

Indian summer 171

in earnest 128, 129

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