Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски
Я Вам пишу... Деловые и личные письма по-английски и по-русски читать книгу онлайн
Книга «Я Вам пишу…» – это незаменимый помощник для всех читателей кто ведет деловую переписку на английском и русском языках, собирается в путешествие или командировку за границу, ищет работу. Содержание книги и приведенный Конструктор писем позволяет читателю с минимальными базовыми знаниями английского языка написать письмо любой сложности по основным вопросам бизнеса, составить победное резюме. Краткий разговорник поможет провести и поддержать беседу на любые деловые и личные темы, не потеряться в англо-говорящем окружении. Полезные мелочи, такие как таблицы глаголов и приставок, мер и весов, ассоциативные таблицы «неправильных» глаголов позволят избежать путаницы не только в грамматике, но и в различных бытовых ситуациях.
Внимание! Книга может содержать контент только для совершеннолетних. Для несовершеннолетних чтение данного контента СТРОГО ЗАПРЕЩЕНО! Если в книге присутствует наличие пропаганды ЛГБТ и другого, запрещенного контента - просьба написать на почту [email protected] для удаления материала
Пример 10. Отказ от предложенного места работы.
Dear Mr Higgins
I would like to thank you for your recent letter regarding employment with STU Pharmaceutical Inc. I agree that your company offers one of the more unique training programs this industry has to offer. STU Pharmaceutical Inc. has a fine reputation for quality and definitely offers incredible opportunities for advancement among its employees. I feel honored to be considered for a position within STU Pharmaceutical Inc. as a project manager.
Unfortunately, at this time I would like to turn down your kind offer. It seems as though my employment goals have shifted over the past few months and I am currently exploring career opportunities in an area quite different from what STU Pharmaceutical Inc. is currently offering.
Again, thank you for your offer. I wish you and STU Pharmaceutical Inc. all the best in future years.
Пример 11. Заявление о пропаже кредитной карты.
Dear Sir/Madame
Loss of Credit Card N 123456789
Ther is to confirm my telephone call of today with Ms Parker in which I informed her of the loss of my above mentioned credit card in Uryupinsk yesterday, August 11, 2004.
I request that you cancel it with immediate effect.
I trust you will send me a replacement to my hotel in Uryupinsk, Bolshaya Ulitza 7, Hotel Rodina by courier, as I was told by Ms Parker.
Sincerely yours,
Пример 12. Приглашение на выставку.
Dear Mr Schmid
CeBIT’2005 is due to take place from February 23 to March 5 in Hannover this year.
We are pleased to inform you that we are among the exhibitors and would like to invite you to visit our stand B46 in Hall 5.
You will find a number of new interactive models in quantum mechanics which should be of special interest to you, and we take pleasure in informing you of our new project «Open College».
We enclose three complementary tickets for your convenience.
We look forward to meeting you at our stand, and would also like to take the opportunity of thanking you for the trust you have placed in us in the past.
Sincerely yours,
Пример 13. Благодарность за приглашение на выставку.
Dear Ms Sound
I was most pleased to receive your kind invitation to meet you on the occasion of the CeBIT’2004 in Hannover. In replay to your letter, I have the pleasure of confirming our meeting at your stand on February 25 at 10 a.m.
I hope that you will be able to demonstrate your new educational programs both in physics and mathematics. I would be particularly interested in learning more about the applications of your latest interactive models.
I look forward with great interest to meeting you and your team and would like to thank you very much for the complementary tickets provided.
Sincerely yours,
Пример 14. Письмо о студенческом обмене.
Dear Mr Winston,
Thank you for your letter of 1 October concerning student exchanges. We are very interested in the opportunity of having exchanges with your University.
As far as MIPT is concerned, all guest-students are very well looked after. Each has a «Welfare officer» at their disposal and they are accommodated in the MIPT hostels, which are located near railway station Dolgoprudnaya.
Unfortunately, concerning Miss Louisa Roman, it is a bit short notice and we cannot offer her a place for this year. Nevertheless, she could apply for next autumn by sending us her CV, details of studies and list of publications.
We would like Mr. Ian O’Brian to send the same documents to consider him as a possible candidate for next April.
We are pleased to hear that both students have good knowledge of Russian, because all the lectures at the MIPT are given in Russian. Nevertheless, papers can be written in English in agreement with professor.
We are enclosing the program of lectures for next semester and our brochure about MIPT, where you will find additional information such as certifications, e-mail facilities, etc.
We will contact you regarding sending you students from us as soon as we have applications.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
5. Факсы, телеграммы. Принятые сокращения
Современные средства сообщения, такие, как факс, телекс или даже давно известная телеграмма считаются быстрыми не только потому, что они доходят по адресата быстро, но также и потому, что требуют быстрого ответа. Для этих средств коммуникации существует даже свой особенный язык, позволяющий сделать общение не только быстрым, но и эффективным.
asap – as soon as possible
attn mr bean – to the attention of Mr Bean
bk – break
cfm – confirm
dtd – dated
fin – I have finished my message
fin? – Have you finished your message?
ga – go ahead: send your message/may I send my message?
hr(s) – hours
mns – minutes
msg – message
n – and
occ – occupied
ok – agrees/do you agree?
pls – please
r – received
rec’d – received
rgds – regards
rpt aa – repeat all after..
rpt ab – repeat all before
rpt all – repeat all
tlx – telex
wk(s) – weeks
Факсы, по сути дела, являются просто быстрыми письмами, поэтому к ним применимы все требования, предъявляемые к письмам. Более того, в некоторых случаях факсовое сообщение подтверждается отправкой оригинала с обычной почтой.
Факсы бывают двух видов: очень короткие сообщения, требующие срочного ответа, и более длинные. В первом случае сообщение пишется на стандартном бланке передачи факса. Текст такого сообщения коротко-информативный. В случае, когда по факсу передается длинное сообщение, на стандартном бланке необходимо указывать, кому адресована информация, и сообщение о содержании приложенного документа (контракта, заказа, копии счета, платежных документов и пр.)
Пример 1. Приглашение посетить Политехнический институт.
Dear Ms Davidova
Following your conversation with my secretary last Thursday, I am very pleased to contact you again.
As a President of one of two Federal Institutes of Technology, it would be a great pleasure for me to welcome you at the EFLP and to meet you in my office at your convenience.
If this proposal is agreeable to you, I thank you in advance for calling my secretary Ms Minelli to make an appointment.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon and seeing you in Lausanne, I remain
Yours sincerely,
Пример 2. Положительный ответ на приглашение.
Dear Ms Minelli
Thank you for your fax of September 20 regarding the invitation from Mr. Presindent of EFLP Prof. J.-M. Doboux.
I am very pleased to inform you I will be able to come to Lausanne at any time which is convenient to Mr. President.
Please note, that from October 7 till October 24, I am going to be in the USA.
Atfer this time I will be available at the same address.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,