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The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese)

На нашем литературном портале можно бесплатно читать книгу The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese), Ying Hong-- . Жанр: Современная проза. Онлайн библиотека дает возможность прочитать весь текст и даже без регистрации и СМС подтверждения на нашем литературном портале bazaknig.info.
The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese)
Название: The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese)
Автор: Ying Hong
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 322
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The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese) читать книгу онлайн

The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese) - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Ying Hong

Set in 1930s China, this is a true but tragic tale of romance, sexual desire, and untimely death. Beautiful, intelligent, and schooled in the Daoist arts of love, Lin is married to a provincial university professor. Julian Bell, son of Vanessa Bell, and darling of the Bloomsbury set, has arrived in China, hungry for experience. Their mutual attraction leads to a passionate phy-sical and spiritual sojourn in Beijing. Unable to realize their love in a society divided by cultural conflict and the threat of war, they eventually part: Julian to fight for the Loyalists in Spain and Lin to contemplate suicide in her husband's house.



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The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love ) 英国情人(又名《K》)

The English Lover (K: The Art Of Love) (chinese) - pic_2.jpg
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