Переводоведческая лингводидактика: учебно-методическое пособие
Переводоведческая лингводидактика: учебно-методическое пособие читать книгу онлайн
В пособии приведены лингводидактические материалы по аспектам обучения специальному переводу (общественно-политическому и военному), системы упражнений по развитию навыков и умений письменного перевода и устных форм перевода (с листа, последовательного, двустороннего, синхронного), система записей в последовательном переводе специальных материалов, приемы реферирования и аннотирования литературы.
Для преподавателей, интересующихся лингводидактическими проблемами обучения технике перевода, вопросами развития навыков и умений всех форм специального перевода.
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6) Методы аргументации автора:
a) исторический обзор боевых действий;
b) теоретические расчеты.
7) Комментарий референта.
Последним пунктом плана указан комментарий референта. Здесь можно было бы отметить, что весь материал статьи явно тенденциозен. Американский полковник с позиций «обороняющейся» стороны рассматривает положение в Европе. В период, когда была опубликована эта статья, в прессе стран НАТО широко обсуждался вопрос о создании систем ядерных подрывных средств вдоль границ с социалистическими странами. Однако, учитывая, что реферат адресован, как правило, специалисту, хорошо разбирающемуся в существе материала, референтский комментарий такого рода может быть опущен без ущерба для уяснения читателем основных положений реферируемой статьи.
Итак, пользуясь составленным планом и учитывая допустимый объем реферата на данную статью, можно приступить к составлению реферата.
СТЮАРТ У. Укрепления на театре военных действий STEWART W. Fortifications in the Theater of Operations «Military Review», vol. XLIX, No. 5, 1969, pp. 35–40, illustr. (англ)
Уильям Стюарт – полковник американской армии, инженер по специальности, занимал ответственные должности в крупных штабах.
Широко распространена точка зрения на линии укреплений (ЛУ) как на средство, не имеющее перспективы в современных условиях. Изучение же потенциального стратегического значения ЛУ как для обороняющейся, так и для наступающей стороны позволяет сделать ряд важных выводов. Во-первых, ЛУ дают стране стратегическое преимущество, позволяя сократить количество войск на ЛУ и создать мощный резерв. Во-вторых, ЛУ снижают темп продвижения противника во всех случаях. В-третьих, ЛУ нужны не только обороняющейся, но и наступающей стороне, и подготовка потенциальным противником ЛУ не должна рассматриваться как проявление его оборонительных намерений. В подтверждение этой концепции приводится анализ использования ЛУ в Европе в двух мировых войнах. Кроме того, дается расчет выигрыша в войсках и времени, который получит воюющая сторона, обладающая ЛУ. Расчет выполнен для трех случаев: когда ЛУ имеет обороняющаяся сторона, нападающая сторона и обе стороны.
IX. Пользуясь изложенной выше методикой, составьте план статей, план рефератов и тексты рефератов.
Trends in Land Force Development
There are some in the Western World that question the relevance of land forces in their military establishments. The military profession must appreciate the factors promoting this state of mind and restate, persuasively, the significant role of modern land forces in contributing to security in the 1970's.
The present uncertainty over the utility of land forces appears to be prompted by three basic factors:
– There is increasing competition at the national level for resources. In addition to a growing domestic claim for budget funds, the rising costs associated with military manpower have created pressures within the defense establishment to reduce the numbers of people in uniform. In the United States for example, pay and allowances for military personnel constitute the largest single defensive cost and, during fiscal year 1972, accounted for some 52 percent of the defense budget. These costs can be expected to increase in any country which reduces reliance on conscription and moves toward a volunteer force. Availability of manpower is a closely related consideration. In some nations, the necessity of maintaining able-bodied men in uniform, when they could be usefully employed in the national labor pool, constitutes an important national consideration.
– The second factor might be labelled a «residual nuclear mentality.» Following World War II and into the latter 1950's, priority of United States defense resources was assigned to the development of nuclear capabilities with concurrent reductions in the capabilities of general purpose forces. During the past few years some people seem unwilling to admit that strategic nuclear weapons are rapidly losing part of their usefulness in projecting national influence.
– Lastly, in the years since World War II, East-West relations have been characterized more by bellicosity than battle.
Land forces, like all military forces, are created to project and advance the interests of the nation in its relations with other states and to insure domestic order. International relationships are a major determinant in the size, structure, and functions of the nation's military force.
While their central role in war-fighting has not changed, the nature of land forces is going through a period of evolution. We can expect our land forces to be faced with following requirements:
– More Flexible, Better-Controlled For mations. The challenge of reduced reaction time, combined with increased range in type of conflict, can be met only through vastly increased flexibility in structuring battle formations and the means of rapidly moving them to the battle area. The same factors demand more efficient and effective detection means, improved communications systems, and more ready and available reserve components.
– Smaller, Dispersed Formations. Because of the effects of nuclear weapons, the economic need for more efficient use of manpower, and the strategic requirement for rapid deployability, future formations will be smaller and more widely dispersed. This will be possible due to increased surveillance capabilities, more effective fire power, enhanced tactical mobility, and improved command and control capabilities.
– Supplemental Assistance Forces. Modern land forces must develop units and techniques to supplement allied forces faced with a threat beyond their immediate capabilities. Such units are likely to include aviation, engineer, signal, intelligence and aerial and ground artillery. The effective integration of allied capabilities is an area requiring continued refinement.
– Automated, Prepositioned Logistics. The urgent requirement for enhanced strategic mobility dictates the need for highly automated logistics operations. Prepositioned stocks in strategically significant location will gain importance for the same reasons.
– Multi-Purpose Weapons andUnits.The continuing threat of escalation of nuclear war will force maximum development of dual and multi-purpose weapons and units. These are required both for war-fighting and to enhance deterrence across the broad spectrum of possible conflict.
Despite the requirement to apply the inexorable advances of mechanization and automation to the art of war, despite society's demands to increase the war-fighting effectiveness while decreasing the costs and manpower requirements involved, and despite science's ingenuity in devising weapons of increasing accuracy and lethality, the importance of the individual soldier remains undiminished.
As long as man's natural habit remains on the ground, the ultimate resolution of conflict will be decided by ground force. Although technology makes an important contribution, the conditions of victory, security, and peace will be achieved by man. It is his spirit and his strength which will ultimately decide the outcome. National security cannot be bought by science and technology, nor preserved by analysts, it can only be achieved where the will of a people is strong and their armed forces, particularly the ground forces, are prepared and determined to defend their land and institutions.
What's in the Future for the Sniper?
The experience has proven that the XM21 Sniper Rifle System, handled by a well-trained rifleman, is a very effective weapon in a combat environment. But before discussing this fact and before answering the question posed in the title above, let us review some duties of the sniper and discuss his current equipment and capabilities.