На исходе дня. История ночи
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Книга известного американского ученого А. Роджера Экерча "Ha исходе дня. История ночи" перевернула представления человека о темном времени суток. Казалось бы, что может случиться с людьми после заката солнца, когда они отдыхают или спят? Но по убеждению автора, именно ночью происходит много интересного, таинственного и забавного. Ночь — это убежище от обыденности, пора влюбленных, время действий добрых и злых сил. Кто-то отправляется развлекаться на балы и маскарады, кто-то спешит в таверну или кабачок, а кое-кто предпочитает посвящать ночные часы усердной молитве. Под покровом тьмы совершаются и различные преступления — от мелких краж до жестоких убийств. При свете свечей проводят собрания члены тайных обществ и сект. Ночью занимаются сексом, болеют, рассказывают страшные истории, делают записи в дневнике, сочиняют книги, мечтают… Автор подробно описывает ночную жизнь людей разных сословий в странах Европы и Америки в период с XVI и до середины XIX века, когда в мир пришло искусственное освещение, прорезавшее ночную тьму. Наряду с документальными текстами исследователь приводит немало захватывающих, пугающих и комических историй, оставшихся в памяти нескольких поколений.
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24. SAS, V, 335; C. Scott Dixon, The Reformation and Rural Society: The Parishes of Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 1528–1603 (Cambridge, 1996), 183, 180–181, 194–195; George Saintsbury, ed., The Works of John Dryden (Edinburgh, 1884), IX, 443; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 222–231; Burke, Popular Culture, passim.
25. OED, s. V. "night-spell"; Minor White Latham, The Elizabethan Fairies: The Fairies of Folklore and the Fairies of Shakespeare (1930; rpt. edn., New York, 1972), 38; Ralph Merrifield, The Archaeology of Ritual and Magic (London, 1987), 137–158.
26. Scott, Witchcraft, 27; Catherine Maloney, "A Witch-Bottle from Dukes Place, Aldgate," Transactions of the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society 31 (1980), 157–159; John Demos, Remarkable Providences: Readings on Early American History (Boston, 1991), 437–438; Merrifield, Archaeology, 159–178.
27. Roderick A. McDonald, The Economy and Material Culture of Slaves: Goods and Chattels on the Sugar Plantations of Jamaica and Louisiana (Baton Rouge, 1993), 40; Carla Mulford et al., eds., Early American Writings (New York, 2002), 508.
28. Anna Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Traditional Folklore: The Magic of Time (Boulder, Colo, 1998), 122; Matthiessen, Natten, 100; Anonymous, Travel Diary, 1795, Chetham's Library, Manchester, Eng.; OED, s. v. "mezuzah."
29. Sewall, Diary, 1,400; David D. Hall, "The Mental World of Samuel Sewall," in David Hall et al., eds., Saints & Revolutionaries: Essays on Early American History (New York,
1984), 80; Brand 1848, II, 73, III, 20–21; Kingsley Palmer, The Folklore of Somerset (Totowa, N. J., 1976), 45; Mrs. Gutch, County Folk-Lore: Examples of Printed Folk-Lore Concerning the East Riding of Yorkshire (London, 1912), 64; Karl Wegert, Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control in 18th Century Württemberg (Stuttgart, 1994), 71.
30. Trenchard, The Natural History of Superstition (London, 1709), 24; Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, 636–637,647—648.
31. UM, May, 1751,220.
32. Henry Bull, comp., Christian Prayers and Holy Meditations… (Cambridge, 1842), 75.
33. ВС, July 1, 1761; Brand 1848, III, 180–182, 228; Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Folklore, 67,204; R.W. Scribner, Popular Culture and Popular Movements in Reformation Germany (London, 1987), 32; Mrs. M. MacLeod Banks, British Calendar Customs: Scotland (London, 1941), III, 112, 116–117; e-mail of Jan. 29, 2002 from David Bromwich, Somerset Archaeological and Natural History Society, Taunton, Eng.; Muchembled, "Popular Culture," 24.
34. Dec. 7,1758, Dyer, Diary; June 3,1662, Pepys, Diary, III, 101; Ian Cameron, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720–1790 (Cambridge, 1981), 127.
35. Eugen Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870–1914 (Stanford, Calif., 1976), 161; Pounds, Culture, 109–117; Roche, Consumption, 125–130; Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 92–93.
36. William Carr, ed., The Dialect of Craven, in the West-Riding of the County of York (London, 1828), 1,30; Joseph Lawson, Letters to the Young on Progress in Pudsey during the Last Sixty Years (Stanningley, Eng., 1887), 23; Annik Pardailhe Galabrun, The Birth of Intimacy: Privacy and Domestic Life in Early Modern Paris, trans. Jocelyn Phelps (Philadelphia, 1991), 120.
37. Pounds, Culture, 110–112; Roche, Consumption, 130–131; Tobias George Smollett, Travels through France and Italy, ed. Frank Felsentein (Oxford, 1979), 209.
38. John Earl Perceval, The English Travels of Sir John Percival and William Byrd II, ed. Mark R. Wenger (Columbia, Mo., 1989), 137; Defoe, Tour, II, 676; Mr. Ozell, trans., M. Misson's Memoirs and Observations in His Travels over England (London, 1719), 37–39; Celia Fiennes, The Illustrated Journeys of Celia Fiennes, c. 1685–1712 (London, 1982), 147,161; Joan Thirsk, The Agrarian History of England and Wales (London, 1967), IV, 453.
39. Caroline Davidson, A Woman's Work is Never Done; A History of Housework in the British Isles, 1650–1950 (London, 1982), 73–75; SAS, V, 424, XII, 297, 747; SAI, I, 4, 198; James Ayres, Domestic Interiors: The British Tradition, 1500–1850 (New Haven, 2003), 16.
40. SAS, XVIII, 480; Edward Ward, A Journey to Scotland… (London, 1699), 9; Thirsk, Agrarian History, PV, 453; Davidson, Woman’s Work, 81–87; E. Veryard, An Account of Divers Choice Remarks… in a Journey… (London, 1701), 19; Paul Zumthor, Daily Life in Rembrandt’s Holland (New York, 1963), 45–46,302.
41. Robert W. Malcolmson, Life and Labour in England, 1700–1780 (New York, 1981), 46–47; Davidson, Woman's Work, 76–77; Carl Bridenbaugh, Vexed and Troubled Englishmen, 1590–1642 (New York, 1967), 99.
42. Llewellynn Jewitt, ed., The Life of William Hutton… (London, 1872), 160; Davidson, Woman's Work, 101.
43. Pounds, Culture, 120; A. Alvarez, Night: Night Life, Night Language, Sleep, and Dreams (New York, 1995), 6.
44. Anne Elizabeth Baker, comp., Glossary of Northamptonshire Words and Phrases (London, 1854), 1,89; Wilson, English Proverbs, 377.
45. Joan Wildeblood and Peter Brinson, The Polite World: A Guide to English Manners and Deportment from the Thirteenth to the Nineteenth Century (London, 1965), 84; Witold Rybczynski, Home: A Short History of an Idea (New York, 1986), 138; O'Dea, Lighting, 217. В то время 28 тысяч ливров примерно равнялись 900 фунтам стерлингов. W. S. Lewis et al., eds., Horace Walpole's Correspondence with Hannah More… (New Haven, 1961), 80. О цене на свечи см.: Lord Beveridge et al., Prices and Wages in England: From the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century (London, 1939), I, passim.
46. Eric Sloane, Seasons of America Past (New York, 1958), 107; Shakespeare, Cymbeline, I, 6, 110–111; O'Dea, Lighting, 35–37, 43; Crowley, Comfort, 112–115; Davidson, Woman's Work, 104–105, 110; R. D. Oliver Heslop, comp., Northumberland Words… (London, 1894), II, 666; S. K. Tillyard, Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox, 1740–1832 (New York, 1994), 202.
47. Nov. 1, 1794, Dee. 25,1799, Woodforde, Diary, TV, 150, V, 231.
48. 8 Anne c. 9; Sarti, Europe at Home, trans. Cameron, 105.
49. Cobbett, Cottage Economy… (1926; rpt. edn., New York, 1970), 144; SAS, V, 335; Gilbert White, The Natural History and Antiquities of Selbome… (1789; rpt. edn., Menston, Eng., 1972), 197–199; John Caspall, Making Fire and Light in the Home Pre-1820 (Woodbridge, Eng., 1987), 171–179.
50. "A Dissertation on the Instruments that Communicate Light," UM, May, 1749, 229; Max J. Okenfuss, ed., The Travel Diary of Peter Tolstoi, a Muscovite in Early Modern Europe (DeKalb, III., 1987), 304; Oct. 8, 1773, Frederick A Pottle and Charles H. Bennett, eds., Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, L.L.D., 1773 (New York, 1961), 281; Pinkerton, Travels, 1,766, П1,587; O7!^, Lighting, 40–41; Crowley, Comfort, 111–113; Davidson, Woman's Work, 106,109; Maurice Vaussard, Daily Life in Eighteenth Century Italy, trans. Michael Heron (New York, 1963), 194.
51. Caspall, Malting Fire and Light, 176; Journal of James Robertson, 1767, 91–92, Manuscripts, National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh; "16th Century Lighting in Sweden," Rushlight 15 (1949), 4; Rushlight 39 (1973), 8; Jean Kathryn Berger, "The Daily Life of the Household in Medieval Novgorod (Russia)" (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Minnesota, 1998), 92–94; Davidson, Woman's Work, 107–108; James Brome, Travels over England, Scotland and Wales (London, 1700), 99,218; Perceval, English Travels, ed. Wenger, 139; Burt, Letters, II, 127–128; Ménétra, Journal, 32.