На исходе дня. История ночи
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Книга известного американского ученого А. Роджера Экерча "Ha исходе дня. История ночи" перевернула представления человека о темном времени суток. Казалось бы, что может случиться с людьми после заката солнца, когда они отдыхают или спят? Но по убеждению автора, именно ночью происходит много интересного, таинственного и забавного. Ночь — это убежище от обыденности, пора влюбленных, время действий добрых и злых сил. Кто-то отправляется развлекаться на балы и маскарады, кто-то спешит в таверну или кабачок, а кое-кто предпочитает посвящать ночные часы усердной молитве. Под покровом тьмы совершаются и различные преступления — от мелких краж до жестоких убийств. При свете свечей проводят собрания члены тайных обществ и сект. Ночью занимаются сексом, болеют, рассказывают страшные истории, делают записи в дневнике, сочиняют книги, мечтают… Автор подробно описывает ночную жизнь людей разных сословий в странах Европы и Америки в период с XVI и до середины XIX века, когда в мир пришло искусственное освещение, прорезавшее ночную тьму. Наряду с документальными текстами исследователь приводит немало захватывающих, пугающих и комических историй, оставшихся в памяти нескольких поколений.
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68. Lynn Doyle, An Ulster Childhood (London, 1926), 61; Charles Jackson, ed., The Diary of Abraham De la Pryme, the Yorkshire Antiquary (Durham, Eng., 1870), 39. См. также: Life and Struggles of William Lovett… (London, 1876), 11.
69. OBP, Jan. 16–20, 1752, 48; Matthiessen, Natten, 63; Oct. 27, 1771, Basil Cozens-Hardy, ed., The Diary ofSylos Neville, 1767–1788 (London, 1950), 132; Richard Cobb, Paris and its Provinces, 1792–1802 (New York, 1975), 45; Paul Zumthor, Daily Life in Rembrandt's Holland (New York, 1963), 249; James Lackington, Memoirs of the First Forty-Five Years… (London, 1792), 34.
70. June 23, 1745, Lewis, Diary, 184; "Journal of P. Oliver, 1776–1810," Egerton Mss. 2672,1, fo. 68, BL; Diary of John Leake, 1713, Rawlinson Mss., D. 428, fo. 37, Bodl.; F. Platter, Journal, 36.
71. Taillepied, Ghosts, 78; Moryson, Itinerary, IV, 294; Early Prose and Poetical Works of John Taylor the Water Poet (1580–1653) (London, 1888), 156; Letters from Minorca… (Dublin, 1782), 213; Matthiessen, Natten, 24.
72. Clare Williams, ed., Thomas Platter's Travels in England, 1599 (London, 1937), 150; Sept. 19, 1662, Pepys, Diary, III, 201; Paolo Da Certaldo, Libro di Buoni Costumi, ed. Alfredo Schiaffini (Florence, 1945), 14; OBP, Oct. 17–19, 1749, 163; Mrs. Grant, Essays on the Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland… (New York, [1831?]), 1,121; Jackson, ed., De la Pryme Diary, 71; Schindler, Rebellion, 215.
73. Yves-Marie Bercé, History of Peasant Revolts: The Social Origins of Rebellion in Early Modern France, trans. Amanda Whitmore (Ithaca, N. Y., 1990), 278; Diary of James Scudamore, ca. 1710, Hereford City Library, Eng.; Feb. 13, 14, 1667, Pepys, Diary, VIII, 60, 62; Lawrence F. Stone, The Family, Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 (New York, 1977), 94.
74. Nov. 18, 1762, Frederick A. Pottle, ed., Boswell's London Journal, 1762–1763 (New York, 1950), 43. См. также: Dec. 17,1769, Woodforde, Diary, 1,95.
75. Brian Hill, Observations and Remarks in a Journey through Sicily and Calabria (London, 1792), 49; Journal of Twisden Bradboum, 1693–1967, 1698, 103, Miscellaneous English Manuscripts c. 206, Bodl. «Окропление святой водой, — писал Ноэль Тайльпье, — это верная защита от козней и хитрости злых духов» (Ghosts, 174).
76. Grose, Provincial Glossary, 70; R. D. Oliver Heslop, comp., Northumberland Words… (London, 1894), I, 204; Brand 1848, III, 15; Muchembled, Popular Culture, trans. Cochrane, 84–85; Enid Porter, Cambridgeshire Customs and Folklore (New York, 1969), 62; Paul-Yves Sébillot, Le Folklore de la Bretagne… (Paris, 1968), II, 132; Jean Delumeau, La Peur en Occident, XlVe-XVllle Siècles. Une Cité Assiégée (Paris, 1978), 92; William Dillon Piersen, Black Yankees: The Development of an Afro-American Subculture in Eighteenth-Century New England (Amherst, Mass., 1988), 85.
77. Faber, ed., Gay Works, 81; Rousseau, Emile, trans. Bloom, 148; John Bumap, July 10, 1766, Assi 45/28/2/97c. См. также: Thomas Hardy, The Trumpet-Major… (1912; rpt. edn., New York, 1984), 274.
78. Remarks 1717,175; Watson, ed., Men and Times, 115; Bernard Mandeville, An Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at Tyburn, ed. Marvin R. Zirker, Jr. (Los Angeles, 1964), 10; Muchembled, Violence, 65,120–121.
79. Schindler, Rebellion, 223; Muchembled, Violence, 120–123, 259; William Mowfitt, Aug. 14,1647, Assi 45/2/1/229; T. Platter, Journal, 197; Pinkerton, Travels, 1,224; Milly Harrison and О. M. Royston, comps., How They Lived… (Oxford, 1965), II, 253; OBP, May 2–5,1739,73; Rousseau, Emile, trans. Bloom, 138.
80. Anna Brzozowska-Krajka, Polish Traditional Folklore: The Magic of Time (Boulder, Colo., 1998), 63; Sébillot, Folklore de la Bretagne, II, 162; Autobiography of the Blessed Mother Anne of Saint Bartholomew (St. Louis, 1916), 15; Casey, ed., Jean Paul, trans. Casey, 339; F. Platter, Journal, 104.
81. Abel Boyer, Dictionare Royal… (Amsterdam, 1719); Paul Monroe, Thomas Platter and the Educational Renaissance of the Sixteenth Century (New York, 1904), 161, 107; Dietz, Surgeon, 110–111. См. также: Stephen Bradwell, A Watch-Man for the Pest… (London, 1625), 39.
82. Llewellynn Jewitt, ed., The Life of William Hutton… (London, 1872), 159; Braker, Life, 58; David Pulsifer, ed., Records of the Colony of New Plymouth in New England (Boston, 1861), XI, 106; Dec. 13,1765, Frank Brady and Frederick A. Potde, eds., Boswell on the Grand Tour: Italy, Corsica, and France, 1765–1766 (New York, 1955), 232.
83. Feb. 7,1704, Cowper, Diary.
84. Jan. 29,1735, Clegg, Diary, I, 217; June 14,1757, Turner, Diary, 100.
85. SWP, II, 560–561; Oct. 28,1833, McGrath, ed., O'Sullivan Diary, III, 247.
1. L. E. Kästner, ed., The Poetical Works of William Drummond of Hawthornden… (New York, 1968), 1,46.
2. Flaherty, Privacy, 94; David Levine and Keith Wrightson, The Making of an Industrial Society: Whickham, 1560–1765 (Oxford, 1991), 280.
3. Penry Williams, The Later Tudors: England, 1547–1603 (Oxford, 1995), 515; G. R. Quaife, Wanton Wenches and Wayward Wives: Peasants and Illicit Sex in Early Seventeenth Century England (London, 1979), 180–181.
4. Gottfried Von Bulow, ed., "Diary of the Journey of Philip Julius, Duke of Stettin-Pomerania, through England in the Year 1602," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, New Ser., 6 (1892), 65.
5. Oct. 16,1773, Frederick A. Pottle and Charles H. Bennett, eds. Boswell’s Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson, LLD, 1773 (New York, 1961), 312; A View of London and Westminster… (London, 1725), 5–6.
6. Маг. 27,1782, Sanger, Diary, 409; Yves Castan, "Politics and Private Life," in HPL III, 49; Loma Weatherill, Consumer Behavior and Material Culture in Britain, 1660–1760 (London, 1988), 76–77,80,88,168.
7. "B," Westminster Magazine 8 (1780), 16. See also Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, Aphorisms, ed. R. J. Hollingdale (London, 1990), 44–45; Lena Cowen Orlin, ed., Elizabethan Households: An Anthology (Washington, D. C, 1995), 119–120; SAS, II, 311.
8. Norman Egbert McClure, ed., The Letters of John Chamberlain (Philadelphia, 1939), I, 283; May 17, 1709, PL 27/2; OBP, Apr. 28-May 3, 1742, 77; SAS, II, 311; Levine and Wrightson, Making of an Industrial Society, 281; Roger Thompson, "'Holy Watchfulness' and Communal Conformism: The Functions of Defamation in Early New England Communities," New England Quarterly 56 (1983), 513.
9. John Aubrey, Miscellanies upon Various Subjects (London, 1857), 215; British Magazine, 2 (1747), 441; Alexandre Wolowski, La Vie Quotidienne en Pologne au XVIIe Siècle (Paris, 1972), 184; Breton, Works, П, 11.
10. Kathleen Elizabeth Stuart, "The Boundaries of Honor; 'Dishonorable People' in Augsburg, 1500–1800" (Ph. D. diss., Yale Univ., 1993), 26, 38–40; Jütte, Poverty, 164; Ruth Mellinkoff, Outcasts: Signs of Otherness in Northern European Art of the Late Middle Ages (Berkeley, Calif., 1993), 43–47,184–190; Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500–1800, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, 2002), 207–211.
11. Weekly Rehearsal (Boston), Apr. 24, 1732; Schindler, Rebellion, 288–289; Mellinkoff, Outcasts, 188–193.