Мистерия Дао. Мир «Дао дэ цзина»
Мистерия Дао. Мир «Дао дэ цзина» читать книгу онлайн
Сборник-монография, посвящен основному трактату китайской мистической традиции: «Дао дэ цзин». Он содержит перевод текста, сделанный с учетом эзотерической традиции древнего Китая, комментарии блестящего ученого и мистика III в. (школа «Учение о Сокровенном») Ван Би, а также исследование и комментарии переводчика, известного китаеведа, специалиста в области духовных и эзотерических традиций, д.и.н. А.А. Маслова.
Яркой чертой издания является уникальное оформление символической графикой оккультно-мистических даосских рукописей, что дает возможность глубже погрузиться в мир китайской мистерии. Живой, образный язык перевода и исследования, позволяют пролить свет на многие тайны мистической мудрости древнего Китая. Книга содержит редкое факсимильное воспроизведение ксилографической версии трактата «Дао дэ цзин» Сун Сюэ XIV в.
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1944 Bynner W. The Way of Life According to Lao Tsu. — John Day, New York.
1945 Erkes E. Ho-Shang-Kung’s Commentary on Lao Tse Artibus Asiae, Vol. VIII (1945), pp. 119–196, Vol. IX (1946), pp. 197–220, Vol. XII (1949), pp. 221–251. Ascona, Switzerland.
1946 Ould Н. The Way of Acceptance, A New Version of Lao Tse’s Tao te ching. — A. Dakers, London. 1948 Thomas F.B. The Tao: The Wisdom of Laotse. — Random House (Modern Library 262), New York, 1948; Teh of Laotse. — Oakland, California.
1948 Lin Yutang, The Wisdom of Laotse. — Random House (Modem Library 262), New York, 1948.
1949 Poynton O. The Great Sinderesis, being a translation of the Tao Те Ching. — The Hassell Press, Adelaide, Australia.
Cheng Lin, The Works of Lao Tzyy, Truth and Nature, popularty known as Daw-Der-Jing by Lao Dan. — World Publishers, Shanghai; The World Book Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, 1953.
1950 Ян Хишун. Древнекитайский философ Лао-цзы и его учение. — Москва-Ленинград.
1954 Duyvendak J.J.L. Tao Те Ching: The Book of the Way and Its Virtue. — John Murray, London.
1955 Blakney R.B. The Way of Life: Lao Tsu. — The New American Library (Mentor Book 129), New York.
1958 Valley A., The Way and It’s Power. — New York. Bahm A.J. Tao Teh King by Lao Tzu. Interpreted as Nature and Intelligence. — Frederick Ungar P.C., New York; 1985.
1959 Sohaku Ogata, Zen for the West (Appendix: A Zen Inter pretation of the Tao Те Ching). — Dial Press, New York.
Strauss V. von. Lao-tse. Tao Те king. — Z.
1961 Hurvitz L. translation of A Recent Japanese Study of Lao-Tzu by Eiichi Kimura. Monumenta Sinica, Vol. 20, pp. 311–367. — The Catholic University of Nagoya.
Wu J.C. Lao Tzu, Tao Teh King. — St. John’s University Press, New York.
1962 Legge J. The Texts of Taoism. Pt. 1,2. — New York. MacHovac F.J. The Book of Tao. — Peter Pauper, Mount Vernon, New York.
1963 Lau D.C. Tao Те Ching. — Chinese University Press, Hong Kong.
Wing-Tsit Chan, The Way of Lao Tzu. — Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis.
1967 Chang Chi-chun (Constant С. С. Chang) and Forthman W. Lao Tzu. — Meredith Publishing Company, New York.
1968 Ко Lien-hsiang, Commentaries on Lao Tzu’s Tao Те Ching. — L. H. Ke, Taipei.
1969 Tang Zi-chang, Wisdom of Dao. — Т. C. Press, San Rafael, California.
197 °Chang C.C.C. Wisdom of Taoism. Bulletin of National Taiwan University, Vol. XV, June, 1970, pp. 241–386. Yu Т.Н. The Philosophy of Taoism. — Falcon Publishers, San Francisco.
1971 Sims B. Lao-Tzu and the Tao Те Ching. — Franklin Watts, New York.
1972 Ян Хиншун. Дао дэ цзин Древнекитайская философия. Т.1. — Москва. Home A.R. The Great Art of Laotse. — Newbard House, Exeter. Feng Gia-fu and English J. Tao Те ChingLao Tzu. — Knopf, New York.
1975 Watts A. and A1 Chung-Liang Huang, Tao: The Water course Way. — Pantheon, New York. Chang Chung-yuan, Tao: A New Way of Thinking. — Harper and Row, New York. Crowley A. The Tao Teh King. — Thelema Publications, Kings Beach, California. Karlgen B. Notes on Lao Tzu. The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquites Bulletin, No. 47, pp. 1-18. — Stockholm.
Schmidt K.O. Tao-Teh-Ching: Lao Tzu’s Book of Life (translated from German by Leon Muller). — CSA Press, Lakemont, Georgia.
1976 Yen Ling-feng, A Reconstructed Lao Tzu, translated from Chinese by Chu Ping-yi and edited by Ho Kuang-mo. — Ch’eng Wen Publishing Co., Taipei.
1977 Hsuing Y.T. Lao Tze, Tao Те Ching. Chinese Culture, Vol. 18, June, 1977, pp. 1-48. — Institute for Advanced Studies, China Academy, Taiwan. Lin P.J. A Translation of Lao Tzu’s Tao Те Ching and Wang Pi’s Commentary. Michigan Papers in Chinese Studies, No. 30. — Center for Chinese Study, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Young R.Y.W. and Ames R.T. Lao Tzu: Text, Notes and Comments, by Ch’en Ku-ging. — Chinese Materials Center, San Francisco.
1979 Ju-Chou Yang and Chook E.K. Lao Tzyy Dow Der Jing. — Taipei. Ni Hua-ching, The Complete Works of Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching E Hua Ни Ching. Shrine of the Eternal Breath of Tao. — Malibu, California. Rump A. in collaboration with Wing Tsit Chan, Commentary on the Lao Tzu by Wang Pi. — University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu.
1980 Lao C’en, The Way of the Dao: An Interpretation of the Writing? of Lao Tzu. — Day Press, La Jolla. Leebrick J.R. Tao Teh Ching: Classic of the Way and Its Nature. — Afterimage Book Publishers, Urbana, Illinois.
1981 Man-jan Cheng, Lao-Tzu (translated by Tam C. Gibbs). — North Atlantic Books, Richmond, California. Hoff B. The Way to Life at the Heart of the Tao Те Ching (selections adapted from various translations). — Weatherhill, New York.
1982 Maurer H. Tao: The Way of the Ways. — Schocken Books, New York. McCarroll T. The Tao: The Sacred Way. — Crossroad, New York.
Wei H. The Guiding Light of Lao Tzu. — Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois.
1983 Iyer R. Tao Те Ching. Lao Tzu. — Concord Grove Press, Santa Barbara, California.
1984 Weiger L. The Wisdom of the Daoist Masters, translated from Freeh of Leon Weiger’s Les Peres du Systeme Taoiste by Derek Bryce. — Llanerch Enterprises, Llanerch, Felinbach, Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales.
1985 Heider J. The Tao of Leadership: Lao Tzu’s Tai Те Cging, Adapted for a New Age. — Humanics New Age, Atlanta, Georgia. Wilhelm R. Tao Те Ching: The Book of Meaning and Life, translated from German by H. G. Ostwald. — Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
1986 Wing R.L. The Tao of Power. — Doubleday, Garden City, New York.
1988 Liu I-Ming, Awakening to the Tao (tr. by Thomas Clear ly). — Shambala Publications, Boston. Mitchell S. Tao Те Ching. — Harper and Row, New York.
1989 Chen E.M. The Tao Те Ching. — Paragon House, New York.
Henricks R.G. Lao-Tzu Te-Tao Ching. — Ballantine Books, New York. Yi Wu, The Book of Lao Tzu. — Great Learning Publishing Company, San Francisco.
1990 Mair V.H. Tao Те Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and The Way. — Bartam Books, New York. Wu J.C.H. Tao Те Ching. — Shambala Publications, Boston.
Лисевич И.С. Дао дэ цзин Иностранная литература, 1992, № 1. — Москва.
1991 Chan А. К. Two Visions of The Way. A Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-Shang Kung Commentaries on the LaoTzu. SUNY Press, Albany. Mitchell S. Tao Те Ching, — New York.
1992 LaFargue M. The Tao of the Tao Те Ching. — SUNY Press, Albany. Miles Th.H. Tao Те Ching: About the Way of Nature and Its Powers. — Avery Publishing Group, Garden City Park.
Weiger L. Tao Те Ching. Lao Zi. — Llanerch Publishers, Llanerch, Wales.
A book «The Mystery of Dao: the World of Dao De Jing» by Russian scholar and orientalist Dr. Alexei A. Maslov analyzes the sources, significance and substance of the early stage of Taoism especially of the very mystical philosophical circle related with the teaching of Lao-tzu and called «laoism». This work that constitutes a result of the author long-standing studies of the spiritual tradition of old China includes a full and up to date translation of Dao De Jing with Wang Bi’s commentaries, special studies of historical, spiritual background and author’s textological commentaries on Chinese texts.
A book possesses of 4 closely related parts. Author tries to show a wide range picture of the development of an early Taoism and Chinese mysticism in the second part of the 1-st millennium ВС.
The first part «Eternal Wanderer» represents a history and main idea of early Taoism called «laoism» by the name of Lao-tzu as the most brilliant representative of this school. Author especially uses the notion «laoism» to divide the early stage of development of Chinese mysticism from the late stage represented by the Taoist alchemy, art of the reaching «eternally life», meditative methods.
We must differ the real Lao-tzu as a philosopher and mystic from the mythological personage of the same name. The last one was made sacral as a «Lord Lao-jun», that became a hero of a popular tradition and a local spirit. It is very hard to say something precision about the life and activities of the real Lao-tzu. He was a «bookkeeper». It seems that Lao-tzu was not a creator of the main Taoism philosophical stream nor the one of the Taoist school. He belonged to the stratum of «shi» — a class of individuals, drawn from downwardly mobile nobility, so called «small hoses». Representatives of a such class had served as bookkeepers (like Laotzu), minor administrators, scribes, etc. The most important character of their state of mind was a highly developed sense of social responsibility that draw there toward the creation of concepts of the harmonization of the Underhaven.