Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ)

Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ) читать книгу онлайн
На основе предшествующих трех монографий Международное философско-космологическое общество начало выпуск научного журнала Future Human Image, в котором представлены современные мировые исследования образа человека будущего. Журнал охватывает области нейронаук, педагогики, философии образования и психологии. В данном выпуске представлены работы специалистов из США, России, Украины, Бразилии, Южной Африки, Испании, Казахстана. Журнал публикует исследования на русском, английском и украинском языках
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Future of Ukraine significantly depends on the quality level of teaching new generations about spirituality and culture. Of course, it is urgent for people of any age as well. A great upbringing failure has become evident in the context of a military conflict and social confron-tation, which has finally led to a deep crisis in all spheres of people"s life. In connection with the mentioned above, it comes to mind the ideas expressed by Erich Fromm and Immanuel Kant focused on the fact that a personality should become the main value and purpose of hu-man existence. People should cultivate their best traits. Moreover, the Day of the Humanity is worth to become the main holiday of the year! Nowadays we have to observe depreciation of spirituality, moral values, vagueness of ideals, and uncertainty of people"s desires in the con-text of their life planning, as well as a general lack of culture in the society. Degeneration of the human spirituality is increasing. Social vulnerability and instability as well as mass media and other information and technical tools have had a negative impact on human souls and spir-it. Particularly, it has influenced on consciousness and feelings of young people. We strongly
╘ Shevchenko, Galyna, 2017
120 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017
The Ideal Image of a Man: the Main Characteristics and Ways of Achieving by Galyna Shevchenko
believe that education and upbringing should become an energy source for the further "culture production" where "culture" term is closely connected with high moral values. This is because the culture aspect discussion implies taking into account many centuries of humankind"s ex-perience in sciences and arts development as well as all kinds of the conventional wisdom.
Also, it is necessary to take into account the highest human aspirations such as spirituality, moral and esthetical views, as well as behavior in general context and the particular human deeds. Without dealing with culture and arts, which serve as a fundamental basis for an ideal creation, it is impossible to educate a true human being - a patriot, a man of consciousness and honor. In the mentioned above context an ideal creation as an example of excellence can be considered as a road map for forming an individual values scale and finding opportunities to make human life rich and fulfilled.
The objective of the study - to represent the role and significance of culture and arts for educational process where they are considered as a fundamental basis of youth"s upbringing in the context of universal and national human values.
The content of the study
Nowadays education in Ukraine is looking for innovative ways of further development, particularly, in the context of European education. We strongly believe that it can lead to success only if we follow the words of wisdom said by well-known educators as for the im-portance of upbringing, culture and arts. We should remember that improvement, purification, culturalization and enlightenment of "human material" should be carried out through culture and arts. It gives a person an opportunity to glitter by the brilliancy of the unique individual talent, which everyone gets from the Almighty. John Amos Comenius, a founder of a peda-gogical science, was right when he encouraged all nations of the world to build a rapport and support as well as to form a universal human brotherhood and to encourage peaceful labor. He highly appreciated human life that, as he believed, should reflect a humanistic idea. In his view every person is the most beautiful and perfect creature of nature. Only through education and upbringing, it is possible to realize the full human potential and not to become "wild animals, still logs" [Komenský, 1982: 80]. That is why he called school as a "humanity studio." He rec-ommended studying at Academies only for "the finest human individuals." In his mind, only the most talented young people should get education.
Every historical stage according to the prevalent culture, arts and ideals used to build a particular model of a cultural and aesthetic human image. In Antiquity, an ideal of a man who had a beautiful body and soul was glorified. In Middle Ages, an image of a noble knight who served as an example of honor, modesty and courage was celebrated. In the mentioned above context Renaissance is of a particular interest for us. That time the focus was on humanistic ideas, universal knowledge, personal harmonious development as well as educational, cogni-tive and hedonistic values of arts. An ideal human image of those times has been imprinted forever in masterpieces of art, sculptures, literature and music. Eternal images of a true Man are still recognized as hard-working, creative and honest people who have high moral qualities and are able to create a better life. Moreover, that life is associated with the ideals of Wisdom,
Beauty and Goodness. Only true patriotism, spirituality and fortitude can inspire arising of the best ideas and sincere feelings. We speak about a strong desire to harmonize the surrounding reality, to create with a great excitement for the benefit of the whole humankind.
It is important to understand that there is not only a generally accepted image of human
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The Ideal Image of a Man: the Main Characteristics and Ways of Achieving by Galyna Shevchenko
excellence but it also exists a personal understanding of an ideal in the context of "ecology of personality." That is the reason of differences existence. The process of the ideal creation is connected with identification and development of the personal originality. That necessitates constant inner world development of as well as an ability to find the whole world beauty and of every particular person as a part of it. We should remember about goodness and generosity of a human soul, people"s intentions to get the highest aspirations, come close to wisdom, warmth, behavior culture and high ground acts. "Cain" and "Abel" sculptured likenesses by Giovanni Dupre vividly illustrate the mentioned above ideas. The main point is that every man can act as Abel or Cain did. Moreover, it is important not to make a mistake in the context of his life choice. As it was mentioned by Mikhail Bakhtin "every image needs much time to be assessed and understood."
An urgent need to educate a spiritual, cultural, moral and aesthetic personality is a chal-lenge in the context of our time. We speak about a man who should be ready for social, eco-nomic and cultural changes as well as for revolutionary and reform challenges in all spheres of the modern social life. As it has been mentioned by culturologists, "in case of necessity a person can merge his individuality into culture which is considered as a memory of the whole mankind. It reflects human spirituality development, which is a consequence of the particular cultural events in the past. A man addresses that culture as "a talking mirror" and creates his personal image." [Kruglikov, 1987: 181] The problem of educating a well-cultured person is extremely challenging. A number of factors, which inhibit the process, affects it. The following ones could be identifies as the most influential: lack of interest in the inner world exploring and improving, focus on personal everyday troubles, mass media hypnotic influence on conscious-ness and feelings of youth, current trends to commercialize, pragmatism and deprive society of spirituality.