Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ)

Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ) читать книгу онлайн
На основе предшествующих трех монографий Международное философско-космологическое общество начало выпуск научного журнала Future Human Image, в котором представлены современные мировые исследования образа человека будущего. Журнал охватывает области нейронаук, педагогики, философии образования и психологии. В данном выпуске представлены работы специалистов из США, России, Украины, Бразилии, Южной Африки, Испании, Казахстана. Журнал публикует исследования на русском, английском и украинском языках
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Thus, new interpretations of Homo economicus not only radically change its interpretation, but also indicate the direction of further transformation of the concept and scope of application.
Homo economicus reaches new levels of interpretation, if we project it onto the future human image. These levels of interpretation are a creation of "Asgardia" nation state in space.
The role of Homo economicus in the creation of "Asgardia" nation state in space
Concept "Asgardia - the Space Nation" by Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli presented at the press-conference in Paris on October 12, 2016. The project"s concept comprises three parts -
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Homo Economicus as the Basis of "Asgardia" Nation State in Space: Perspective of Educational Technologies by Roman Oleksenko and Lidiia Fedorova
philosophical, legal and scientific/technological [Ashurbeyli, 2016]. The Asgardia project is being directed by the Vienna-based Aerospace International Research Center, a private company founded by Russian scientist and businessman Dr. Igor Ashurbeiyli.
Asgardia is a new pacifist nation-state in space. This project is interesting for us because its organizers were a businessman and a group of scientists who uses interpretations on the borderline between futurology (and probably phantasy) and economics. "The group says it will open up new opportunities in space for commerce, science and "peoples of all countries on earth" [Scientists Plan, 2016].
In the project"s concept "Asgardia - the Space Nation" it is worth paying attention to the fact that the future human image in it will not be divided into science and technology. Moreover, in this respect, Homo economicus as the future human image is the most suitable in a variety of new interpretations. Volodymyr Khmil and Tetiana Khmil argue that understanding and reasoning of paradigm systems development based on moral constituent of the state is an anchoring point for the reforming state towards human values [Khmil & Khmil, 2015].
Let us pay attention to the research of Sergey Krichevsky, Arkady Ursul, Eduard Vitol, Tetiana Danylova, etc. [Krichevsky, 2015; Krichevsky, 2016; Krichevsky, 2017; Ursul, 2017; Vitol, 2014; Danylova, 2016]. For example, Sergey Krichevsky has formed the basis of the management concept of the technosphere"s evolution consisting of two blocks such as: 1) a conceptual model of the technosphere structure and the process of the technosphere"s evolution; 2) a conceptual model of the management system of the technosphere"s evolution. Krichevsky suggests the management system structure of the technosphere"s evolution and the strategy which is aimed to achieve three main goals: 1) saving the Earth"s biosphere; 2) security, survival and sustainable development of humankind in the balance (co-evolution) with the biosphere and the environment on the Earth and in the Solar system; 3) the creation of the conditions for disclosure and the use of the potential of technologies, equipment, technical development to manage the future, the implementation of the transition to the noosphere, the attainment of human immortality in the Universe [Krichevsky, 2015; Krichevsky, 2017].
Homo economicus as an ideal of deliberately moulding human character
The previous analysis allowed us to consider Homo economicus in a completely new format. Firstly, Homo economicus has classical interpretations, which allow us to examine a man as consistently rational and narrowly self-interested agents. That is, we can use interpretations contributed to Homo economicus in the 19th century by John Stuart Mill, Adam Smith, etc. Secondly, Homo economicus clearly discerns the interpretations, which were formed by Wolfgang Stroebe, Bruno S. Frey, Richard H. Thaler in the twentieth century.
Homo economicus "becomes human." Namely, Homo economicus as a concept begins to be used not only in statistical economic theories, but also in dynamic i.e. it gets more close to reality. It was seen that Homo economicus has the cognitive and the psychophysical determinants of choice in risky and riskless contexts (in the understanding of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky [Choices, 2000]). Finally, thirdly, the concept of "Asgardia - the Space Nation", which was developed and proposed by the economist-practitioner, opens a new field for the use of the concept. This concept is futurology.
Thus, Homo economicus has moved from a formal agent of economic theories to a qualitative new level. We take into account the reality of the prospect of creation "Asgardia" nation state in space and emphasize that a new point of Homo economicus is a cultural ideal of
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Homo Economicus as the Basis of "Asgardia" Nation State in Space: Perspective of Educational Technologies by Roman Oleksenko and Lidiia Fedorova
deliberately molding human character. Homo economicus enriched by new interpretations can be considered as a cultural ideal. Moreover, modern educational technologies must be directed to achieve this cultural ideal. In the foreseeable future, Homo economicus, as a cultural ideal, may lead to the creation of "Asgardia" nation state in space. In Asgardia, Homo economicus will become the fundamental unit of the new nation, which will embody the harmony of rational and ideal beginning. Perhaps even thanks to the new interpretations of Homo economicus, Asgardia will become a practical embodiment of the ideal state, which is defined by Plato in his work [Plato, 1994].
Thus, returning to the perspective of the development of modern education as a scientific problem, we come to the following conclusions:
1. New interpretations, which significantly change understanding and expand the scope of the concept of Homo economicus, allow us to consider it as a cultural ideal. Deliberately molding human character can be carried out according to the cultural ideal.
2. This cultural ideal is necessary and important to civilization. It is proved, for example, by its effectiveness in the creation of "Asgardia" nation state in space.
In this paper, we proved that all constructive criticism of old interpretations of the concept of Homo economicus does not deny the possibility of using this term. On the contrary, criticism gives new interpretations of Homo economicus, which open up new prospects for using this concept, in particular, as a cultural ideal for educational technologies.
Ashurbeyli, Igor. Concept "Asgardia - the Space Nation". October 12, 2016. https://asgardia. space/en/page/concept
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