Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востр

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Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востр
Название: Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востр
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 156
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Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востр читать книгу онлайн

Трактат О Большой Нужде В Слиянии Созидаемого С Гармонией Всего Сущего В Том Числе Посредством Востр - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Вадим Евгеньевич Мясников

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169 deuteron mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 4,6697545540000000E-04

170 electron-neutron mass ratio 5,4386734428000000E-04

171 electron-proton mass ratio 5,4461702135200000E-04

172 electron mass in u 5,4857990907000000E-04 u

173 quantum of circulation times 2 7,2738950972000000E-04 m^2 s^-1

174 molar mass constant * 1,0000000000000000E-03 kg mol^-1

175 proton molar mass 1,0072764668790000E-03 kg mol^-1

176 neutron molar mass 1,0086649158800000E-03 kg mol^-1

177 neutron-electron mag. mom. ratio 1,0406688200000000E-03

178 electron mag. mom. anomaly 1,1596521809100000E-03

179 muon mag. mom. anomaly 1,1659208900000000E-03

180 neutron-proton mass difference in u 1,3884490000000000E-03 u

181 proton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton rati 1,5210322053000000E-03

182 triton mag. mom. to Bohr magneton ratio 1,62239366160000000E-03

183 tau molar mass 1,90749000000000000E-03 kg mol^-1

184 deuteron molar mass 2,0135532127450000E-03 kg mol^-1

185 Wien wavelength displacement law constant 2,89777290000000000E-03 m K

186 helion molar mass 3,0149322467300000E-03 kg mol^-1

187 triton molar mass 3,01550071632000000E-03 kg mol^-1

188 alpha particle molar mass 4,0015061791270000E-03 kg mol^-1

189 electron-muon mass ratio 4,8363317000000000E-03

190 atomic unit of current 6,6236181830000000E-03 A

191 fine-structure constant 7,2973525664000000E-03

192 molar mass of carbon-12 * 1,2000000000000000E-02 kg mol^-1

193 second radiation constant (inverse meter-kelvin relationship) 1,4387773600000000E-02 m K

194 molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K. 101.325 kPa) 2,2413962000000000E-02 m^3 mol^-1

195 molar volume of ideal gas (273.15 K. 100 kPa) 2,2710947000000000E-02 m^3 mol^-1

196 nuclear magneton in inverse meters per tesla 2,5426234320000000E-02 m^-1 T^-1

197 electron volt-hartree relationship 3,6749322480000000E-02 E_h

198 muon-tau mass ratio 5,9464900000000000E-02

199 muon-neutron mass ratio 1,1245451670000000E-01

200 muon-proton mass ratio 1,1260952620000000E-01

201 muon mass in u 1,1342892570000000E-01 u

202 molar Planck constant times c 1,19626565582000000E-01 J m mol^-1

203 weak mixing angle 2,22300000000000000E-01

204 deuteron-proton mag. mom. ratio 3,0701220770000000E-01

205 electron mass energy equivalent (natural unit of energy, -"- of mom.um in MeV/c ) 5,1099894610000000E-01 MeV

206 proton-tau mass ratio 5,2806300000000000E-01

207 neutron-tau mass ratio 5,2879000000000000E-01

208 Bohr magneton in K/T 6,7171405000000000E-01 K T^-1

209 deuteron mg. mom. to nucl.mg.ratio, g fact. (shield. proton mg.mom.to Bohr magn.ratio) 8,5743823110000000E-01

210 proton-neutron mass ratio 9,9862347844000000E-01

211 neutron-proton mass ratio 1,0013784189800000E+00

212 proton mass in u 1,0072764668790000E+00 u

213 neutron mass in u 1,0086649158800000E+00 u

214 neutron-proton mass difference energy equivalent in MeV 1,2933320500000000E+00 MeV

215 tau-neutron mass ratio 1,89111000000000000E+00

216 tau-proton mass ratio 1,89372000000000000E+00

217 tau mass in u 1,90749000000000000E+00 u

218 deuteron-proton mass ratio 1,9990075008700000E+00

219 deuteron mass in u 2,0135532127450000E+00 u

220 shielded proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,7927756000000000E+00

221 proton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,7928473508000000E+00

222 triton mag. mom. to nuclear magneton ratio 2,9789624600000000E+00

223 helion-proton mass ratio 2,9931526704600000E+00

224 triton-proton mass ratio 2,99371703348000000E+00

225 helion mass in u 3,0149322467300000E+00 u

226 triton mass in u 3,01550071632000000E+00

1 2 3

227 alpha particle-proton mass ratio 3,9725996890700000E+00

228 alpha particle mass in u 4,0015061791270000E+00 u

229 proton g factor 5,5856947020000000E+00

230 triton g factor 5,95792492000000000E+00

231 nuclear magneton in MHz/T 7,6225932850000000E+00 MHz T^-1

232 molar gas constant 8,31445980000000000E+00 J mol^-1 K^-1

233 proton-muon mass ratio 8,8802433800000000E+00

234 neutron-muon mass ratio 8,8924840800000000E+00

235 standard acceleration of gravity * 9,8066500000000000E+00 m s^-2

236 Rydberg constant times hc in eV 1,3605693009000000E+01 eV

237 tau-muon mass ratio 1,68167000000000000E+01

238 Hartree energy in eV (atomic unit of electr.potent.(V), hartree-electron volt relationship) 2,7211386020000000E+01 eV

239 neutron gyromag. ratio over 2 p 2,9164693300000000E+01 MHz T^-1

240 shielded helion gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 3,2434099660000000E+01 MHz T^-1

241 shielded proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 4,2576385070000000E+01 MHz T^-1

242 proton gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 4,2577478920000000E+01 MHz T^-1

243 Bohr magneton in inverse meters per tesla 4,6686448140000000E+01 m^-1 T^-1

244 Boltzmann constant in inverse meters per kelvin (kelvin-inverse meter relationship) 6,9503457000000000E+01 m^-1 K^-1

245 muon mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,0565837450000000E+02 MeV

246 inverse fine-structure constant 1,3703599913900000E+02

247 Planck constant over 2 pi times c in MeV fm 1,9732697880000000E+02 MeV fm

248 electron-muon mag. mom. ratio 2,0676698800000000E+02

249 muon-electron mass ratio 2,0676828260000000E+02

250 characteristic impedance of vacuum * 3,7673031346100000E+02 ohm

251 electron to shielded helion mag. mom. ratio 8,6405825700000000E+02

252 atomic mass constant energy equivalent in MeV 9,3149409540000000E+02 MeV

253 proton mass energy equivalent in MeV 9,3827208130000000E+02 MeV

254 neutron mass energy equivalent in MeV 9,3956541330000000E+02 MeV

255 electron-neutron mag. mom. ratio 9,6092050000000000E+02

256 tau mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,77682000000000000E+03 MeV

257 proton-electron mass ratio 1,8361526738900000E+03

258 neutron-electron mass ratio 1,8386836615800000E+03

259 deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV 1,8756129280000000E+03 MeV

260 helion mass energy equivalent in MeV 2,8083915860000000E+03 MeV

261 triton mass energy equivalent in MeV 2,80892111200000000E+03 MeV

262 tau-electron mass ratio 3,47715000000000000E+03

263 deuteron-electron mass ratio 3,6704829678500000E+03

264 alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV 3,7273793780000000E+03 MeV

265 helion-electron mass ratio 5,49588527922000000E+03

266 triton-electron mass ratio 5,49692153588000000E+03

267 alpha particle-electron mass ratio 7,2942995413600000E+03

268 electron volt-kelvin relationship 1,1604522100000000E+04 K

269 inverse of conductance quantum 1,2906403727800000E+04 ohm

270 von Klitzing constant 2,5812807455500000E+04 Ohm

271 electron gyromag. ratio over 2 pi 2,8024951640000000E+04 MHz T^-1

272 Faraday constant 9,6485332890000000E+04 C mol^-1

273 standard-state pressure * 1,00000000000000000E+05 Pa

274 standard atmosphere * 1,01325000000000000E+05 Pa

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