Виртуальное правительство
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Контроль над сознанием ведет к лабиринту тайных троп виртуального правительства, которым заправляют вивисекторы психики из ЦРУ. Контроль над сознанием ведет в сумеречную зону так называемых “инопланетных вторжений”, убийц-зомби, массовых самоубийств и преступлений различных культов, “управления на расстоянии” и “программируемых психозов”. Контроль над сознанием существует в мире засекреченных научных лабораторий, обязанных своим рождением некоторым из наиболее зловещих фигур Нацистской Германии.
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William Glaberson, “Rochester Institute will Maintain Controversial Ties with the CIA,” New York Times, November 24, 1991, p. A-46,
Jan Golab, “Blue Heaven,” Los Angeles Magazine, June, 1995, pp. 66-74. (“Mark Fuhrman is just the latest cop to head to north Idaho,” Ockenfels found. “Some even say the LAPD rum the “secret” backwoods enclaves)
Bruce Haring, “Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die,” Los Angeles Reader, June 30,1995, pp. 8. Автор подробно описывает любовные победы Чарльза Майнора. Статья рассказывает о финансовых и эмоциональных проблемах известного музыкального промоутера. Однако его связи с организованной преступностью не затрагиваются.
К. Harrell, “Nicole Murder was Mafia Drug Hit,” Glebe, March 21,1995, pp. 40-41.
J. Hiscock, “Police Ignored Four Suspects in OJ Murder Case,” Daily Telegraph, January 26, 1995, p. A-3.
Shawn Hublcr and James Bates, “Streetwise Gumshoe to the Stars,” Los Angeles Time!, September 11,1993, p. A-l.
Shawn Hubler, “Police Won’t Be Charged in 1993 Shooting; Investigation: Woman was shot seven times in the back after reportedly unging at officers with a knife on a hospital rooftop. Questions about the case remain,* Los Angeles Times, September 29, 1994, p. B-l.
Walter Karabian, “Just Who Is Robert Kardashian Anyway,” Armenian Reporter, October 21.1995.
Howard Kohn, “The Hughes-Nixon-Lansky Connection,* SoilingStone, May 20,1976.
Henrik Kruger, The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence 6-International Fascism (Boston: South End Press, 1980).
Dave LaFontaine, “Nicole’s Mystery Link to Nightclub Murder,” The Star, October И, 1994, p. 5.
Eric Larson and Michael Wilson, ^Evidence of Conspiracy,” SprintLink on-line communication network, May 13, 1995.
Hillel Levin, Grand Delusions -The Cosmic Career of John DeLorean (New York: Viking, 1983).
Paul Lieberman, “The Gang that Couldn’t Shoot Straight,” Los Angeles Times Magazine, February 21, 1993, p. 24.
Paul Lieberman, ” Restaurateur Found Guilty in Drug Case,” Los Angeles Times, February 27,1993, p. B-3.
Paul Lieberman, “Last Loose End Wrapped Up in ZZZZ Best Fraud Case,” Los May 5,1994, p. A-l.
Paul Lieberman and Leslie Berger, Police Spy Unit was Rife with Risks, Temptations,* Los Angeles Times, July 26, 1992, p. A-l.
David S. Lifton, Best Evidence: Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy (New York, MacMillan, 1980).
Robert J. Lopez and Jesse Katz, “Nicole Brown Anti-Abuse Charity Beset by Problems; Embarrassments include controversial donors, felony record of fired leader. Family cites growing pains.” Los Angeles Times, July 7, 1995, p. A-l.
Jim Mann, “CIA Tries to Get Collegians to Perform Intelligence Jobs,” Los Angeles Times, February 26, 1993, p. A-4.
Dave Manning, executive board member of CTKA, April 24,1996. John Marks, The Search for the Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and Mind Control (New York: Times Books, 1979).
Edward Medvene, et.al., “Motion of Defendant Joseph Ippolito for Release Pending Trial,” on file at the United States District Court, Central District of California, case no. CR-92-400-DMT September 10, 1992.
Dan Moldea, Dark Victory: Ronald Reagan, MCA and the Mob, (New York: Penguin, 1987)
Steven Lee Myers, “Richard E. Gerstein, Dead at 68; Prosecuted Key Watergate Figure,* New York Times, April 27,1992, p. D-12.
“Music Executive Slain in Malibu, Woman Held,” (Charles Minor case) Los Angeles Times, March 20, 1995, p. B-l.
Jim Newton, “Simpson Private Eye is No Stranger to Big-Name Cases,” Los Angeles 7rniesjuly22,1922, p. A-l.
“Ех-Chief of CenTrust Bank is Convicted on 68 Charges,” New York Times, November 25,1993, p. D-9.
L.A. View, “Criminal Behavior,” January 5, 1996, p. 7.
Louis Nizer, Catspaw: The Famed Trial Attorney’s Heroic Defense of a Man Unjustly Accused (New York Donald I. Fine, Inc., 1992), pp. 52-53.
Kenneth B. Noble, “Simpson Trial Likely to Put a Tough Detective on Trial” New York Times, February 21, 1995, p. A-6.
Emanuel Parker, “SONJI DANESE TAYLOR: She’s Become Obsession of White Artist Since Her Death,” Los Angeles Sentinel, April 19,1995.
David. L. Paul, Intervener v. Resolution Trust Corporation, U.S. Court of Appeals (Miami). Eleventh Circuit, Nos. 91-5408,91-5035.
Stephen Pizzo, Mary Pricker and Paul Muolo, Inside Job: The Looting of Americas SavingandLoans (New York McGraw-Hill), 1989.
D. Reyes, “Nicole Simpson Foundation Gives Shelter $10,000,” Los Angeles Times, July 17,1995, p.A-17.
Charles Rappleye and Ed Becker, All American Mafioso-The Johnny Rosselli Story (New York: Doubleday, 1991).
Paul Ruiz, Washington, D.C.-based political researcher for Citizens for Truth About the Kennedy Assassination (CTKA), interview in Los Angeles, January 4,1997.
Mike Rothmiller and Ivan G. Goldman, LA.‘s Secret Police: Inside the LAPD Elite Spy Network (New York: Pocket Books, 1992). В последней главе рассказывается о том, как Ротмиллера ранил торговец наркотиками и оружием из округа Орандж. После ранения Ротмиллер остался инвалидом, но за получение пенсии по инвалидности ему пришлось бороться с департаментом полиции Лос-Анджелеса.
“Trial Journal,” San Francisco Examiner. March 23, !995, SFE News Service.
Peter Dale Scott, “Case Closed or Oswald Framed?” Prevailing Winds, No. 1,1995, p. 52.
Stephanie Simon, “Diverse Legal Team’s Task: To Prove Simpson Guilty,” Los Angeles Time, September 9, 1996, p. A-l.
Stephanie Simon, “Judge Restricts Simpson Defense as Civil Trial Opens,” Let Angela Times, September, 18, 1996.
Stephen Singu lar, Legacy of Deception: An Investigation of Mark Fuhrman and Racism in the LA.P.D. (Los Angeles: Dove Books, 1995).
Peter Simon and Kenneth Howe, “Feds to Question S.F. Banker in Bond Probe,* San Francisco Examiner, September 25, 1996, p. A-l.
M.L. Stein, “*Who’s Telling the Truth?” Editor at Publisher, vol. 127: February 19,1994, pp. 27.
Gary Thompson and Steve Kanigher, “Search for the Tiger’s Treasure,” Las Vegas Sun, December 26, 1993, p. A-l.
U.S. v. Lorenzo et. al., case no. 92-400, U.S. Criminal Court Clerk’s Office, Los Angeles, California.
H. Weinstein, “LA. Lawyer to Defend Chief of Bosnian Serbs in Trial,” Los Angeles Times, July 10, 1996, p. A-l.
Steve Wick, Bad Company: Drugs, Hollywood and the Cotton Club Murder (New York: Harcourt, Brace, Javonavich, 1990).
,‘West Legal Directory, “Howard Weitzman” profile (Los Angeles: West Publishing Co., 1995).
Steve Tinney, “Mystery Man was Stalking Nicole,” The Star, August 9, 1994, p. 22. (Photocopies of the notebook entries illustrate the story.)
Peter Truell, False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the World’s Most Corrupt Empire (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992).
UP1 News Service, “DeLorean’s legal Team-The ‘Howard and Don Show.’” San Francisco Chronicle, August 17, 1984.
Jaxon Van Derbeken and Terri Hardy, ” Tenacity of Lead Detective Praised – Investigator Lange Given Credit for Solving String of Tough Cases,” Los Angeles Daily New, July 8, 1994, p. 20.
Mike Walker, “I Fear I’ll be Murdered,* National Enquirer, September 6, 1994, p. 10.
Приложение: ЦРУ – возрождение мафии
“Майами Геральд”, 19 мая 1997 года
На благотворительном турнире по гольфу клуба “Бискайский ключ” О. Дж. Симпсон обрел нового приятеля: Стив Тьел, 34 года, освобожден условно.
В прошлом Тьел имел тесный контакт с сотрудниками коррумпированной речной полиции Майами, сейчас работает в охранной фирме. С середины 70-х Тьел увлекается гольфом. Играет шесть дней в неделю. С клюшками в сумке он вышел на поле в Крандон-парк, надеясь познакомиться с Симпсоном.
“Я сделал пару ударов по мячу и потихоньку завязал разговор. Спросил, не нужен ли, мол, человек подносить клюшки или вообще какой-нибудь телохранитель. Он ответил, что понял как я играю и хотел бы видеть меня в своей команде”.