На исходе дня. История ночи

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На исходе дня. История ночи
Название: На исходе дня. История ночи
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 265
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На исходе дня. История ночи - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Экерч А. Роджер

Книга известного американского ученого А. Роджера Экерча "Ha исходе дня. История ночи" перевернула представления человека о темном времени суток. Казалось бы, что может случиться с людьми после заката солнца, когда они отдыхают или спят? Но по убеждению автора, именно ночью происходит много интересного, таинственного и забавного. Ночь — это убежище от обыденности, пора влюбленных, время действий добрых и злых сил. Кто-то отправляется развлекаться на балы и маскарады, кто-то спешит в таверну или кабачок, а кое-кто предпочитает посвящать ночные часы усердной молитве. Под покровом тьмы совершаются и различные преступления — от мелких краж до жестоких убийств. При свете свечей проводят собрания члены тайных обществ и сект. Ночью занимаются сексом, болеют, рассказывают страшные истории, делают записи в дневнике, сочиняют книги, мечтают… Автор подробно описывает ночную жизнь людей разных сословий в странах Европы и Америки в период с XVI и до середины XIX века, когда в мир пришло искусственное освещение, прорезавшее ночную тьму. Наряду с документальными текстами исследователь приводит немало захватывающих, пугающих и комических историй, оставшихся в памяти нескольких поколений.

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9. Hadrianus Junius, The Nomenclator… (London, 1585), 425; The Works of Monsieur Boileau (London, 1712), 1,199; Heywood, Diaries, II, 286; OBP, Sept. 7,1737,163, S. Pole, "Crime, Society and Law Enforcement in Hanoverian Somerset" (Ph. D. diss., Cambridge Univ., 1983), 302–303; Julius Ralph Ruff, "Crime, Justice, and Public Order in France, 1696–1788: the Sénéchausée of Libourne" (Ph. D. diss., Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1979), 238; Select Trials, II, 234; Beattie, Crime, 167–192.

10. Sept. 8, 1666, Aug. 21,1665, Pepys, Diary, VU, 282, VI, 200; OBP, Sept. 6-11, 1738, 146; M. Dorothy George, London Life in the 18th Century (New York, 1965), 10–11; Beattie, Crime, 148–154.

11. Jeremy Black, British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century (New York, 1992), 177; Joseph Jacobs, ed., Epistolae Ho-Elianeae: The Familiary Letters of James Howell… (London, 1900), 45; DUR, Dec. 26, 1788; Marcelin Defoumeaux, Daily Life in Spain: The Golden Age, trans. Newton Branch (New York, 1971), 68; Moryson, Itinerary, 1,141.

12. An Effectual Scheme for the Immediate Preventing of Street Robberies, and Suppressing All Other Disorders of the Night… (London, 1731) 65; Colm Lennon, Richard Stanyhurst the Dubliner, 1547–1618 (Blackrock, Ire., 1981), 148; Beattie, Crime, 180–181; J. A. Sharpe, Crime in Seventeenth-Century England: A County Study (Cambridge, 1983), 103.

13. Richard Head, The Canting Academy; or Villanies Discovered… (London, 1674), 69; Thomas Evans, Feb. 8, 1773, Assi 45/31/1/78; Ann Maury, Memoirs of a Huguenot Family… from the Original Autobiography of Rev. James Fontaine… (New York, 1852), 303; Beattie, Crime, 152–161; Alan Macfarlane, The Justice and the Mare's Ale: Law and Disorder in Seventeenth-Century England (Oxford, 1981), 136–140; James A. Sharpe, "Criminal Organization in Rural England 1550–1750," in G. Ortalli, ed., Bande Armate, Banditti, Banditisme (Rome, 1986), 125–140.

14. William Lithgow, The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adven tures & Painefull Peregrinations… (Glasgow, 1906), 310; Ruff, Violence, 31, 64–65, 217–239; Pierre Goubert, The Ancien Régime: French Society 1600–1750, trans. Steve Сох (London, 1973), 104; Uwe Danker, "Bandits and the State: Robbers and the Authorities in the Holy Römern Empire in the Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries," in Richard J. Evans, ed., The German Underworld: Deviants and Outcasts in German History (London, 1988), 75— 107.

15. OBP, Jan. 17–20,1750, 30, Dec. 7—12,1743,82, Jan. 12,1733,45; B., Discolliminium: or a Most Obedient Reply to a Late Book… (London, 1650).

16. William Keatinge Clay, ed., Private Prayers, Put Forth by Authority during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth (Cambridge, 1851), 444; Sir Edward Coke, The Third Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England… (1628; rpt. edn., New York, 1979), 63; Sir William Blackstone, Commentaries on the Laws of England, ed. William Draper Lewis (Philadelphia, 1902), IV, 1615; Beattie, Crime, 163–165.

17. Head, Canting Academy, 179; Eric Partridge, ed., A Dictionary of the Underworld (Ware, Eng., 1989), 43, 469; John Poulter, The Discoveries of John Poulter (London, 1753), 43; Jan. 30,1665, Pepys, Diary, VI, 25.

18. OBP, Jan. 16,1734,55; Beattie, Crime, 163; WJ, July 20, 1728.

19. July 11,1664, Pepys, Diary, V, 201; Hanging, Not Punishment Enough, for Murtherers, High-way Men, and House-Breakers (London, 1701), 6.

20. OBP, Dec. 10–13,1707; Select Trials, 1,306; Michel Porret, Le Crime et ses Circonstances. De l'Esprit de l'Arbitraire au Siècle des Lumières selon les Réquisitoires des Procureurs Genève (Geneva, 1995), 258; Beattie, Crime, 164–165.

21. Mill, A Nights Search: Discovering the Nature and Condition of all Sorts of Night-Walkers… (London, 1639); Awnsham Churchill, comp., A Collection of Voyages and Travels… (London, 1746), VI, 726; Beattie, Crime, 161–167; Sharpe, Seventeenth-Century Crime, 107; A New Journey to France (London, 1715), 85; Henry Swinburne, Travels Through Spain, in the Years 1775 and 1776… (London, 1779), 1,348–350.

22. John L. McMullan, The Canting Crew; London's Criminal Underworld, 1550–1700 (New Brunswick, N.J., 1984), 162; A Warning for House-Keepers… (London, 1676), 4; Hey-wood, Diaries, III, 206; Cynthia B. Herrup, The Common Peace: Participation and the Criminal Law in Seventeenth-Century England (Cambridge, 1987), 27,30–31,170–171; Ruff, Violence, 221–224; George Huppert, After the Black Death: A Social History of Early Modern Europe (Bloomington, Ind., 1986), 107–109.

23. Florike Egmond, Underworlds: Organized Crime in the Netherlands 1650–1800 (Cambridge, 1993), 33, 188–191; Schindler, Rebellion, 222; Ruff, Violence, 221; Albrecht Keller, ed., A Hangman's Diary: Being the Journal of Master Franz Schmidt, Public Executioner of Nuremberg, 1573–1617, trans. С. V. Calvert and A W. Grüner (Montclair, N. J., 1973), 130.

24. Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, "Potere Politico e Spazio Sociale: It Controllo Delia Notte a Venezia nei Secoli XIII–XV," in Mario Sbriccoli, ed., La Notte: Ordine, Sicurezza e Disciplinamento in Età Moderna (Florence, 1991), 48; Daniel Defoe, Street-Robberies Consider'd… (1728; rpt. edn., Stockton, N. J., 1973), 68; Alan Williams, The Police of Paris, 1718–1789 (Baton Rouge, 1979), 287.

25. Dekker, Writings, 193; The Confession &c. of Thomas Mount… (Portsmouth, N. H., [1791?]), 19; Select Trials, II, 236; Charles Dorrington, Feb. 10,1764, Assi 45/27/2/125; OBP, Jan. 15–19,1742,31, Sept. 6,1732,188; Select Trials, 1,303.

26. John Nelson, Aug. 25,1738, Assi 45/21/3/126.

27. OBP, May 15–17,1746,149.

28. OBP, June 28—July 2,1744,159, Apr. 25–30,1750,68, July 11–14,1750,87; Macfarlane, Justice and the Mare's Ale, 132; OBP, Dec. 5-10,1744, 7, Dec. 5-10,1744,142.

29. OBP, Oct. 17–19,1744, 257, Aug. 30,1727,4.

30. Lavater, Spirites, 22; Jeannine Blackwell and Susanne Zantop, eds., Bitter Healing: German Women Writers from 1700 to 1830: An Anthology (Lincoln, Neb., 1990), 60; Brand 1848, II, 314; Danker, "Bandits," 88. См. также: Taillepied, Ghosts, 31.

31. Crusius, Node, ch. 11.9; Keller, ed., Hangman's Diary, trans. Calvert and Grüner, 110; Brand 1848,1, 312, III, 278–279; Marjorie Rowling, The Folklore of the Lake Distrid (Totowa, N. J., 1976), 26; Matthiessen, Natten, 94–95. См. также: Bargellini, "Vita Notturna," 84; John McManners, Church and Society in Eighteenth-Century France (Oxford, 1999), II, 232.

32. Karl Wegert, Popular Culture, Crime, and Social Control in 18th Century Württemberg (Stuttgart, 1994), 101; Keller, ed., Hangman's Diary, trans. Calvert and Grüner, 112–113; Brand 1848,1,312; Times (London), July 3,1790.

33. Tornano, Proverbi, 171.

34. Pinkerton, Travels, II, 565; Elisabeth Crouzet-Pavan, Venice Triumphant: The Horizons afa Myth, trans. Lydia G. Cochrane (Baltimore, 2002), 161; Ruff, Violence, 120–121.

35. Alessandro Falassi, Folklore by the Fireside: Text and Context of the Tuscan Veglia (Austin, 1980), 6; J. Mitchell and M. D. R Leys, A History of London Life (London, 1958), 73; Claude Fouret, "Douai au XVIe Siècle: Une Sociabilité de l'Agression," Revue d’Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 34 (1987), 9—10; Robert Muchembled "La Violence et la Nuit sous l'Ancien Régime," Ethnologie Française 21 (1991), 237; Rudy Chaulet, "La Violence en Castille au XVIIe Siècle," Crime, Histoire & Sociéetés 1 (1997), 14–16. См. также: Barbara A Hanawalt, "Violent Death in Fourteenth- and Early Fifteenth-Century England," Comparative Studies in Society and History 18 (1976), 305, 319.

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