Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ)
Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ) читать книгу онлайн
На основе предшествующих трех монографий Международное философско-космологическое общество начало выпуск научного журнала Future Human Image, в котором представлены современные мировые исследования образа человека будущего. Журнал охватывает области нейронаук, педагогики, философии образования и психологии. В данном выпуске представлены работы специалистов из США, России, Украины, Бразилии, Южной Африки, Испании, Казахстана. Журнал публикует исследования на русском, английском и украинском языках
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In our country until recently, global education was developed within the framework of main study activity (the concept of global prospects etc.). Practical activity in other areas of global education was realized in experimental educational projects for the development of a global mindset of active "citizens of the world" (mainly through the associated schools and the number of UNESCO Chairs).
Such highly amorphous syncretic understanding and representation of global knowledge, which was used in first concepts of global education, differs significantly from its current representation, as discussed above. It is important to continue the positive trends and fields of development of global education both in terms of expanding of the teaching of results of global studies, including as new global phenomena as the concept and strategy of sustainable development into the subject field of educational activity (especially in their noospheric orientation).
Currently education generally corresponds to both industrial and to some extent a post-industrial society. However, global transformations of education are not only aimed at the creation of an information society and the knowledge society, but planetary civilization and sustainable development, realizing the goal of survival of civilization and the biosphere preservation. These features can be implemented first in the transformation of contemporary education (including now existing experimental options for global education) into education for sustainable development.
Hereinafter emergence of noospheric education in the process of further formation of sphere of mind through global transition to sustainable development is proposed.
At least these are the next two stages of the largest and mostly anticipated globally evolutionary transformations of the world education in planetary field of development, which is considered here.
There is a certain measure between conservative and innovative trends in any process of development. Education is clearly not focused on innovative processes. Therefore, innovative processes in education in the future get a new orientation: it is necessary to transform education
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so that it was possible to implement the transition to our common future - sustainable development. After all, contemporary man, who even mastered the knowledge and cultural achievements of unsustainable development model, will not be able to build a new global society with sustainable development. Only innovative transition from unsustainable to sustainable society can guarantee the satisfaction of the vital needs of both present and future generations of people and their more harmonious interaction with nature.
Globalization and integration of educational space [Liferov, 2009], the acquisition of a planetary unity and integrity cannot be subjected to meaningful and qualitative changes, showing global character of the evolution of contemporary humankind and awareness of his place in the universe. Formation of contours of globally integrated world is somehow manifested in educational sphere, which still with some lag "copies" mentioned global and civilizational aspirations. However, it is clear that education should not remain on the periphery of the overall global development as a traditional part of this process and particularly important to become a "catalyst". Moreover, we can assume that without specially organized learning and education humankind will not be principally able to make a transition to sustainable development and followed by one of the forms of civilization process, ensuring its survival and its indefinitely long existence.
In this regard fundamentally new conceptual and methodological concepts and approaches to the study of evolutionary processes in education are necessary. In connection with the development of global studies it is appropriate to talk not only about their introduction into the educational process, but also about formation of "educational globalistics" ("pedagogical globalistics") and, perhaps, a "global pedagogics".
Informatization of the global and anticipatory education
Formation of an idea of proactive education for sustainable development is concerned more with information and informatization, than with ecology and ecologization [Colin & Ursul, 2015]. Right on the way of informatization and formation of virtual reality in human activity in general, and in science and in education in particular, there is a possibility of proactive modelling of reality. Formation in the future of global noospheric intelligence, which most fully implements proactive modelling of socionatural processes, leads to the fact that it will be possible not only to display of not only the past and present but also the future and formation of rational and efficient socio-ecological development on this basis.
As the property of anticipation in education (and actually in all other forms of activity) is directly associated not only with environmental but with information issues, then in the future we are talking about the formation of the information society, which will be part of the sphere of mind - the noosphere, whose ideas were expressed by Edouard Le Roy, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, and Vladimir Vernadsky at the beginning of the last century. Formation of the most reasonable sphere of interaction between nature and society through the transition to sustainable development happens right on the way of noospherogenesis, including ecologization, informatization, futurization and many other global positive processes and trends [Ilyin et al, 2011].
In education, noospheric trends are most clearly manifested on the way of formation of so-called "smart education" [Tikhomirov, 2013]. Intensively developed mainly in the West concept of Smart education suggests transfer of the educational process mainly into the electronic environment, providing effective education in this interactive environment using
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freely available content from all the world. Smart education through the introduction of e-learning makes learning available anywhere and anytime, combining educational institutions and teaching staff to implement joint educational activity on the Internet (which is one of the main sources of knowledge for the student). Smart education is a flexible learning in an interactive educational environment, implementation of educational activity on the Internet on the basis of common technologies, standards and agreements.
Information society in all its possible variants (knowledge societies, education societies etc.) will have to function as a component of the sphere of mind and certainly, it must become proactive social system in planetary scale.
Therefore way out of the current global crisis of civilization is in the evolutionary transition to the way of formation of information society as one of levels of the sphere of mind, while according to general strategy, way out of the global crisis of education is in the transformation of inertially lagging, conservative educational system into innovatively proactive and in the future the noospheric educational system. Without informatization formation of such brand new education is in principle impossible and therefore most radical innovative processes in education are presumably related with the transition to the information society, being an important feature of the global transition to a way of sustainable development.