Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ)

Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ) читать книгу онлайн
На основе предшествующих трех монографий Международное философско-космологическое общество начало выпуск научного журнала Future Human Image, в котором представлены современные мировые исследования образа человека будущего. Журнал охватывает области нейронаук, педагогики, философии образования и психологии. В данном выпуске представлены работы специалистов из США, России, Украины, Бразилии, Южной Африки, Испании, Казахстана. Журнал публикует исследования на русском, английском и украинском языках
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Great attention should be paid to the study of communication. For example, disciplines "Systems of Marketing Communications" and "Integrated Marketing Communications" allow students to acquire the necessary competencies in this area.
It is important that professionals receive solid training in the fundamentals of branding.
Future PR managers must know the principles of brand formation and promotion. Special attention should be given to public speaking. As specialists in public relations are primarily communicators, they should master the skills of effective and persuasive public communication by means of oratory and rhetoric.
The purpose of training for "Master" educational level is to provide students with the opportunity to receive and develop the skills and knowledge of management, gain knowledge of crisis and strategic management. In addition, the scope of master degree includes branch disciplines related to PR (PR in politics, PR in business sphere or social sphere). Also "Master" educational level is the first step in preparation for the educational and scientific level "Doctor of Philosophy" and, accordingly, disciplines related to scientific component of education, such as peculiarities of scientific perception and research, as well as basics of protection of intellectual rights and PR-science are lectured there.
As for the educational competences of "Master" level, based on research data, we believe that the future PR-specialist should be aware of the specifics of promotion of any product and
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The Main Determinants of Improvement of Model of Educational Training of Specialists in the Field of PR Based on Competency Approach by Andrii Kyrychok
in any field of PR-activities. It is important for students to acquire competences in the field of crisis response, to be able to counteract the aspects of the information war and to respond to any informational and communication threats systematically.
Training of PR-specialists at "Master" educational level is more single-disciplined than at "Bachelor" level. It should be based on professionally oriented disciplines. It is important that in this context, experts acquire all the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to develop and create the image. An important aspect of "Master" training is the ability to structure and form a competent media plan. In our opinion, qualified PR-specialist should be experienced in the field of political PR, political consulting and political technologies.
Special attention should be given to management competences. For example, with the help of such discipline as strategic PR student will acquire the knowledge and skills of management and organization in the field of public relations, will learn to understand and to predict the conditions and prospects of development of public relations/media markets, to carry out critical analysis of public relations and information material, will be able to exercise the managerial functions of public opinion formation, to plan strategic actions as to the PR-campaign organization, will possess methods of cooperation improvement and actions coordination inside the team of PR department, agency or media office. Also this list includes the abilities and skills of promotion and popularization of web sites, PR-projects in Internet, the ability to control the placement of PR material on advertising media and more. In this context, it is important to acquire purely managerial competences. Therefore, for example, it is appropriate to include the discipline "Human resources management" into the training program for public relations on "Master" educational level. Research has shown that exactly this training component is necessary for masters in the field of PR. Training at this level should be professionally oriented, giving lectures on single-disciplined subjects.
Speaking about "PhD" educational level in public relations, we should say that this level is theoretical, scientific and research. During the educational training PhD student shall develop theoretical, scientific and research skills necessary to supplement the range of scientific knowledge in public relations. Educational level "Doctor of Philosophy" is designated to prepare graduates for teaching, research and administrative positions at universities and to conduct applied research in the field of public relations.
Students, who have completed third level of education training, should be competent and ready to serve as managers and future teachers at universities and research institutions. PhD students must be able to explain simply the course content and to evaluate the work of students effectively; be aware not only of complex knowledge of public relations, but also of cooperation of PR-science with branches related to PR; have necessary skills to develop and contribute to their discipline, conduct researches.
As the part of the study, we have established that specialists in public relations have to be able to write texts in scientific language, conduct scientific researches, manage scientific and analytical methods of research. In addition, it is very important for students to speak foreign language and to be able to teach and share their knowledge.
Given to the fact that Ukrainian education recently moved to a new three-level model of education, it is of vital importance that educational training in public relations is based on the principles of continuity, steadiness and consistency. The principles of continuity and
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The Main Determinants of Improvement of Model of Educational Training of Specialists in the Field of PR Based on Competency Approach by Andrii Kyrychok
consistency in training can solve the contradictions between the need to form a system of knowledge and skills according to disciplinary component and the principle of forming an integral vision and understanding of the worldview. Foremost, systematic development of educational programs and teaching aids and the establishment of interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary relations ensure this approach.
The systems approach, in turn, makes it possible to structure the training material more effectively, to create a system of training materials that would have consistent content and shall be taught in a clear hierarchy. System approach to structuring should highlight the main concepts and categories in training material, combine them with other concepts and categories and to disclose their genesis.
Based on the analysis of domestic and international approaches to the training of specialists in public relations, taking into account the educational and professional competencies, demanded by the labour market, as well as basic competencies, which are to be acquired as a result of learning content acquisition, a set of competencies of PR-specialist and professional competences that must be acquired at every level of higher education were conceptualized.