Образ человека будущего, Том 7 (СИ)
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На основе предшествующих трех монографий Международное философско-космологическое общество начало выпуск научного журнала Future Human Image, в котором представлены современные мировые исследования образа человека будущего. Журнал охватывает области нейронаук, педагогики, философии образования и психологии. В данном выпуске представлены работы специалистов из США, России, Украины, Бразилии, Южной Африки, Испании, Казахстана. Журнал публикует исследования на русском, английском и украинском языках
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70 Future Human Image. Volume 7, 2017
The Main Determinants of Improvement of Model of Educational Training of Specialists in the Field of PR Based on Competency Approach
Andrii Kyrychok - PhD
Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named by Igor Sikorsky (Kyiv, Ukraine)
E-mail: [email protected]
Modern approaches to the study of issue of PR-experts training require rethinking in order to identify new prospects of improvement and development in training of specialists in public relations. An important aspect is that Ukraine has recently moved to training format, based on acquiring of knowledge necessary for professional life by students. This applies, in particular, to specialists in public relations. The key aspect is to determine the set of skills of PR-specialist meant to be acquired by him during study. Another important point is the transition to the European three-level educational model, aimed at democratization and improvement of the process of acquiring of necessary skills by specialists. The essential transformation should be done in the field of PR-education in order to allow experts, at every level of education (Bachelor-Master-PhD), to receive only a clearly defined and systematic set of skills. The author carried out the content analysis of educational training programs in the field of PR for the purpose of discipline component, the principles of programming and knowledge, acquired at each educational level. Investigated data was systematized, analysed and recommendations on principles of development of effective three-level model of training for experts in public relations at the university were given.
Key Words: public relations, PR-education, skills, comparative analysis, educational training program, and competency approach
Ukrainian education system requires essential rethink from all points of view, it concerns the approaches to training of workers in different disciplines, including specialists in public relations. Nowadays, the first step to this at the level of the whole higher education system is made - the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", aiming to democratize education sector and make it more competitive.
In this article, we suggest to investigate the process of educational training of specialists in public relations by applying competency approach. In modern realities, HEIs should develop innovative educational programs, which can provide not only the acquisition by students of certain amount of knowledge and skills, but also their subsequent effective practical application in their professional activity. This approach to the development of educational programs will respond to the challenges, posed by "knowledge society" and therefore "knowledge economy", for which generalized skills, based on the obtained fundamental knowledge, communication,