Торговец смертью: Торговец смертью. Большие гонки. Плейбой и его убийца

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Торговец смертью: Торговец смертью. Большие гонки. Плейбой и его убийца
Название: Торговец смертью: Торговец смертью. Большие гонки. Плейбой и его убийца
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 570
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Торговец смертью: Торговец смертью. Большие гонки. Плейбой и его убийца читать книгу онлайн

Торговец смертью: Торговец смертью. Большие гонки. Плейбой и его убийца - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Колдакр Бен

В медицине царит хаос. Нам хочется верить в то, что врачи опираются на результаты честных исследований, а на самом деле отрицательные результаты экспериментов скрываются фармкомпаниями. Нам хочется верить, что сертификаты получают только эффективные лекарства, но в реальности в аптеках появляются препараты, вызывающие тяжелые побочные эффекты.Люди, которым вы должны доверять, обманывают вас! Но прочитав эту книгу, вы сможете противостоять мировому заговору фармкомпаний.Эта книга — настоящее объявление войны фармацевтической индустрии.

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55. Simes RJ. Publication bias: the case for an international registry of clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 1986 Oct 1;4(10):1529–1541.

56. Clarke M, Clarke L, Clarke T. Yes Sir, no Sir, not much difference Sir. JRSM. 2007 Dec 1;100(12):571–572.

57. Chalmers Iain. Underreporting Research Is Scientific Misconduct. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. 1990 Mar 9;263(10):1405–1408.

58. Chalmers I. From optimism to disillusion about commitment to transparency in the medico-industrial complex. JRSM. 2006 Jul 1;99(7):337–341.

59. Their delegation was led by Frank Wells: his textbook on fraud is fantastic. I tell you this because you should understand that these are not all bad people with inherently secretive natures.

60. Sykes R. Being a modern pharmaceutical company. BMJ. 1998 Oct 31;317(7167):1172-80.

61. http://www.bmj.com/content/339/bmj.b4330.

62. De Angelis C, Drazen JM, Frizelle FA, Haug C, Hoey J, Horton R, et al. Clinical trial registration: a statement from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. The Lancet. 2004 Sep 11;364(9438):911-2.

63. Mathieu S, Boutron I, Moher D, Altman DG, Ravaud P. Comparison of Registered and Published Primary Outcomes in Randomized Controlled Trials. JAMA. 2009 Sep 2;302(9):977-84.

64. Wieseler B, McGauran N, Kaiser T. Still waiting for functional EU Clinical Trials Register. BMJ. 2011 Jun 20;342(jun202):d3834d3834.

65. Prayle AP, Hurley MN, Smyth AR. Compliance with mandatory reporting of clinical trial results on ClinicalTrials.gov: cross sectional study. BMJ. 2012;344:d7373.

66. A good (but brief) overview of how to try and get info from nonacademic sources is here: Chan A-W. Out of sight but not out of mind: how to search for unpublished clinical trial evidence. BMJ. 2012 Jan 3;344(jan03 2):d8013-d8013.

67. You can read the letters and the report online. It’s a gripping read, with many interesting and nefarious details, so I highly recommend doing so: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) www. mhra. gov. u. GSK investigation concludes [Internet]. [cited 2012 Apr 29]. Availablefrom: http://www.mhra.gov.uk/Howweregulate/ Medicines/Medicinesregulatorynews/CON014153

68. This was SmithKline Beecham, before they merged with GlaxoWellcome and became GSK.

69. Strech D, Littmann J. Lack of proportionality. Seven specifications of public interest that override post-approval commercial interests on limited access to clinical data. Trials. 2012 Jul 2;13(1):100.

70. Lenzer J, Brownlee S. Antidepressants: an untold story? BMJ 2008;336:532-4.

71. Wood AJ. Progress and deficiencies in the registration of clinical trials. N Engl J Med. 2009;360(8):824-830

72. O’Connor AB. The need for improved access to FDA reviews. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association. 2009;302(2):191.

73. http://www.prescrire.org/editoriaux/EDI33693.pdf

74. Decision of the European Ombudsman closing his inquiry into complaint 2560/2007/BEH against the European Medicines Agency. November 2010. http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu/ cases/decision.faces/en/5459/html.bookmark.

75. UK drug regulator destroys all the evidence after 15 years/ BMI[Internet]. Available from http://www.bmj.com/ rapid-response/2011/11/03/uk-drug-regulator-destroys-allevidence-after-15-years.

76. You might be unsurprised to hear that no large drug company has ever been prosecuted under the safety monitoring regulations in the UK.

77. This story is spread over various publications by the Cochrane team, and the account here is taken from their work, published responses from Roche, and discussions with the Cochrane team. The best place to get the early half of this story is this paper: Doshi P. Neuraminidase inhibitors the storybehind the Cochrane review. BMJ. 2009;339. And for the second half, I recommend this open-access paper: Doshi P, Jefferson T, Del Mar C (2012) The Imperative to Share Clinical Study Reports: Recommendations from the Tamiflu Experience. PLoS Med 9(4): e1001201. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001201http://bit.ly/HIbwqO

78. This is a fascinating and messy new area. The paper below gives a good summary of the importance of analysing full trial programmes, and the discrepancies found on Tamiflu between papers and Clinical Study Reports: Jefferson T, Doshi P, Thompson M, Heneghan C, Group CARI. Ensuring safe and effective drugs: who can do what it takes? BMJ. 2011 Jan 11;342(jan11 1):c7258-c7258.

79. This is all from: Jefferson T, Doshi P, Thompson M, Heneghan C, Group CARI. Ensuring safe and effective drugs: who can do what it takes? BMJ. 2011 Jan 11;342(jan11 1):c7258-c7258.

80. Tom Jefferson, Lecture on Tamiflu, BMJ Evidence 2011, London.

81. Tramer MR, Reynolds DJ, Moore RA, McQuay HJ. Impact of covert duplicate publication on meta-analysis: a case study. BMJ. 1997 Sep 13;315(7109):635-40.

82. Doshi P, Jefferson T, Del Mar C (2012) The Imperative to Share Clinical Study Reports: Recommendations from the Tamiflu Experience. PLoS Med 9(4): e1001201. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001201 http://bit.ly/HIbwqO

83. Cohen D (2009) Complications: tracking down the data on oseltamivir. BMJ 339: b5387.

84. If you’re interested in this story, the links to primary documents are all here: Diabetes drug ‘victory’ is really an ugly story about incompetence. Ben Goldacre, The Guardian. 2010 Jul 17 [cited 2012 May 2]; Available from: http://www.badscience.net/ 2010/07/pharmaco-epidemiology-would-be-fascinatingenougheven-if-society-didnt-manage-it-really-really-badly/

85. Nissen SE. Setting the record straight. JAMA. 2010 Mar 24; 303(12):1194-5

86. Eichler H-G, Abadie E, Breckenridge A, Leufkens H, Rasi G. Open Clinical Trial Data for All? A View from Regulators. PLoS Med. 2012 Apr 10;9(4):e100i202.

87. This is a vast story, told well elsewhere. Start with Curfman GD, Morrissey S, Drazen JM. Expression of concern reaffirmed. N. Engl. J. Med. 2006 Mar 16;354(11):1193.

88. Opinion: Misleading Drug Trials. The Scientist [Internet]. [cited 2012 May 15]. Available from: http://thescientist. com/2012/05/14/opinion-misleading-drug-trials/

89. The Yale Open Data Archive project, or YODA, is one good example of how this might look in the future.Глава 2. Откуда берутся лекарства?

1. I recommend the classic medical student textbook ‘Rang and Dale’: Rang& Dale’s Pharmacology. 6th ed. Churchill Livingstone; 2007. But also this, on the regulatory process around early drug development: Friedhoff LT. New Drugs: An Insider’s Guide to the FDA’s New Drug Approval Process for Scientists, Investors and Patients. 1st ed. PSPG Publishing, 2009.

2. Elliott C, Abadie R. Exploiting a research underclass in phase 1 clinical trials. New England Tournal of Medicine. 2008;358(22):2316.

3. Cohen LP. To screen new drugs for safety, Lilly pays homeless alcoholics: it’s ‘quick cash’ to habitues of Indianapolis shelters; it vanishes quickly, too. Wall St J (East Ed). 1996 Nov 14;A1, A10.

4. Abadie R. The Professional Guinea Pig: Big Pharma and the Risky World of Human Subjects. 1st ed. Duke University Press, 2010.

5. Helms R, editor. Guinea Pig Zero: An Anthology of the Journal for Human Research Subjects. 1st ed. Garrett County Press; 2006.

6. Tucker T. Great Starvation Experiment: Ancel Keys and the Men Who Starved for Science. 1st University of Minnesota Press Ed. University of Minnesota Press; 2008.

7. Gorkin L, Schron EB, Handshaw K, Shea S, Kinney MR, Branyon M, et al. Clinical trial enrollers vs. nonenrollers: The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Recruitment and Enrollment Assessment in Clinical Trials (REACT) project. Controlled Clinical Trials. 1996 Feb;17(1):46–59.

8. Sheppard VB, Cox LS, Kanamori MJ, Canar J, Rodriguez Y, Goodman M, et al. BRIEF REPORT: If You Build It, They Will Come. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 May;20(5):444-7.

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