Армия Наполеона

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Bowden, Scott, Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813, Emperor's Press, 1990
Bowden, Scott and Tarbox, Charlie, Armies on the Danube, Empire Games Press, l980
Broers, Michael, Europe Under Napoleon, 1799–1815, Arnold, 1996
Chandler, Dr David, Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars, Arms and Armour, 1979
Chandler, Dr David; The Campaigns of Napoleon, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1966
Elting, Соlonel John R., Sword’s Around а Throne — Napoleon’s Grande Armee, The Free Press, 1988
Elting, Colonel Johtr R. & Knotel, Herbert, Napoleonic Uniforms (в 4-х томах). Тома 1-й и 2-й изданы Macmillan, 1993, тома 3-й и 4-й — Emperor's Press, 2000
Emsley, Clive, The Longman Companion to Napoleonic Europe, Longman, 1993
Esdaille, Charles J., The Wars of Napoleon (серия Modern Wars in Perspective), Longman, 1995
Funcken, Liliane & Fred, L’Uniforme et les Armes des Soldats du Premier Empire (2 vols), Casterman, 1968 — 69
Gates, David, The Napoleonic Wars, 1803–1815 (серия Modern Wars), Arnold, 1997
Gill, John Н., Vermin, Scorpions and Mosquitos — the Rheinbund in the Peninsula, in The Peninsula, in The Peninsular War — Aspects of the Struggle for the Iberian Peninsula (ed. Ian Fletcher), Spellmount, 1998
Gill, John Н., With Eagles To Glory — Napoleon and his German Allies in the 1809 Campaign, Greenhill Books, 1992
Gould, Robert W., MBE; Mercenaries of the Napoleonic Wars, Tom Donovan Publishing, 1995
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Uniforms of Napoleon's Russian Campaign, Blandford Press, 1976
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Uniforms of the Peninsular War 1807–1814, Blandford Press, 1978
Haythornthwaite, Philip, The Napoleonic Source Book, Arms and Armour Press, 1991
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Who Was Who in the Napoleonic Wars, Arms and Armour Press, 1998
Hourtoulle, F-G (trans Mckay, Alan}, Jena, Auerstadt — the triumph of thе eagle, Histoire & Collections, 1998
Hourtoulle, F-G (trans Mckay, Alan), Borodino — The Moskova, the battle for the redoubts, Histoire & Collections, 2000
Johnson, Ray, Napoleonic Armies, а Wargamer's Campaign Directory 1805–1815, Arms and Armour Press, 1984
Knotel, Richard; Knotel, Herbert and Sieg, Herbert, Uniforms of the World (Handbuch de Uniformkunde), Orig. Frankh Verlagshandlung Kosmos-Verlag; W. Sperman Verlag, Stuttgart; republished New Orchard Editions Ltd, 1988
Lochet, Jean (ed.), Empires, Eagles and Lions (различные издания), RAFM
Nafziger, George, Lutzen & Bautzen, Emperor's Press, 1992
Nafziger, George, Napoleon at Dresden, The Emperor's Press, 1994
Nafziger, George, Napoleon at Leipzig, The Emperor's Press, 1996
Nafziger, George, Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, Presidio Press, 1988
Nafziger, George, А Guide To Napoleonic Warfare — Maneuvers Of The Battery, Battalion And Brigade During The 1st Empire As Found In Contemporary Regulations, издание автора 1996 (?). Частично переиздано под названием Imperial Bayonets by Greenhill Books, 1997
Oman, Prof, Charles, The History of the Peninsula War (в 7 томах), первоначально издано в 1902–1930, переиздание Greenhill Books, 1995 — 1997
Partridge, Richard (ed.), Age of Napoleon (различные выпуски), Partizan Press Sapherson, СА, 1809 — А Year At War (в 5 томах), Raider Games, 1986
Smith, Digby, The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book, Greenhill Books, 1998
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Armies of 1812 — vol. 1: The French Army, Patrick Stephens Ltd, 1977
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Armies of the Napoleonic Era, David and Char-les, 1979
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Navies of the Napoleonic Era, David and Char-les, 1980
Wilson, Peter H., German Armies — War and German politics 1648–1806 (серия Warfare and History), UCL, nd
Blond, G., La Grande Armee, Arms and Armour Press, 1995
Bucquoy, E-L., Les Uniformes du Premier Empire (10 volumes) Grancher, 1977-1980
Bukhari, Emir, French Nароlеоniс Line Infantry, Almark Publications, 1974
Bukhari, Emir & Angus McBride, Napoleon's Cavalry, Osprey, 1979
Dempsey, Guy, Napoleon's Soldiers, Arms and Armour Press, 1994
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Napoleon's Line Infantry, Osprey, 1983
Haythornthwa-ite, Philip, Napoleon's Light Infantry, Osprey, 1983
Haythornthwaite, Philip, Napoleon's Guard Infantry (в 2 томах) Osprey, 1984, 1985
Johnson, David, The French Cavalry 1792–1815, Belmont Publications, 1989
Lachouque, Henri and Brown, Anne S. К., The Anatomy of Glory, Arms and Armour Press, 1994
Nafziger, George, The French Army — Royal, Republican, Imperial 1792–1815 (в 5 томах), издание автора, 1997
Petre, F. Loraine, Napoleon's Last Campaign in Germany — 1813, переиздание в Arms and Armour Press, 1974
Rogers, Col. Н.С.В., Napoleon's Army, Pumell Book Services, 1974
Smith, Digby, Napoleon's Regiments, Greenhill Books, 2000
Rawkins, W. J., The Armies of Baden and Wurtemburg, HMR Group, 1977
Nafziger, George and Gilbert, Martin, The Bavarian and Westphalian Armies, 1799–1815, RAFM, 1981
Rawkins, W. R., The Bavarian Army, 1805 — 14, W. J. Rawkins, 1982
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's German Allies: Bavaria, Osprey, 1980
Rawkins, W. J., The Armies of Naples & Kleve-Berg 1806–1814, HMR Group, 1978
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's German Allies: WestfaIia & Kleve-Berg, Osprey, 1975, 1992
Cassin-Scott, Jack, Scandinavian Armies in the Napoleonic Wars, Osprey, 1976
Snorrason, Torstein, Danish Uniforms and Equipment 1800–1815, Bent Carlsens Forlag Aps, nd
Rawkins, W. J., The Confederation of the Rhine — Hesse-Darmstadt, Mecklenburg & Nassau, W. J. Rawkins, 1980
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's German Allies: Hessen-Darmstadt & Hessen-Kassel, Osprey, 1982
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Dutch-Belgian Troops of the Napoleonic Wars, Osprey, 1980
Currie, J., The Kingdom of Italy Infantry, Napoleonic Association, nd
Rawkins, W., The Italian Army, 1805–1814, Anschluss, 1982
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan Troops, Osprey Publications, 1979
Rawkins, W. J., The Armies of Naples & Kleve-Berg 1806–1814, HMR Group, 1978
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan Troops, Osprey Publications, 1979
Nafziger, George; Weslowski, Mariusz & Devoe, Tom, Poles and Saxons of the Napoleonic Wars, Emperor's Press, 1991
Rawkins, W. J., The Army of Saxony 1805 — 14, HMR Group, 1979
Von Pivka, Otto, Napoleon's German Allies: Saxony 1806–1815, Osprey, 1979
Rawkins, W. J., The Confederation of the Rhine — Hesse-Darmstadt, Mecklen-burg & Nassau, W. J. Rawkins, 1980
Von Pivka, Otto (Digby Smith), Napoleon's German Allies: Nassau and Olden-burg, Osprey, 1976
Bowler, R. Arthur (ed.), War Along the Nigara — Essays on theWar of 1812 and its legacy, Old Fort Niagara Assoc., Inc., 1991
Chartrand, Rene, Uniforms and Equipment of the United States forces in the Var of 1812, Old Fort Niagara Assoc., Inc., 1992
Kochan, James, The United States Army 1783 — 181l, Osprey, 2001
Kochan, James, The United States Army 1812–1815, Osprey, 2000
Erwin, Gregory, J. W., The United States Infantry — an illustrated history 1775–1918, Blandford Press, 1988
Neigley, Russell F., History of the United States Army, Batsford, 1967
Nafziger, George; Weslowski, Mariusz & Devoe, Tom, Poles and Saxons of the Napoleonic Wars, Emperor's Press, 1991