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794. *Sperber D. Le structuralisme en anthropologie. — Qu'est-ce que le structuralisme? P., 1968.
795. Spier L. The sun-dance of the plain Indians: its development and diffusion. - APAMNH. Vol. 16, p. 7, 1921.
796. Spoehr A. Kinship system of the Seminole (Field Museum of Natural history. Anthropological series. Vol. 33, № 2). Chicago, 1942.
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798. Spoehr A. Observations on the study of kinship. — AmAnth Vol.52 1950, № 1.
799. Stanner W. E. H. Murinbata kinship and totemism. — «Oceania» Vol. 7, 1936-1937, № 2.
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802. Stewart J. H. Basin-plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups. Wash., 1938 (Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. № 120).
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805. Sutter J., Tabah L. Les notions d'isolat et de population minimum — «Population». Vol. 6, 1951, № 3.
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811. Teissier G. La description mathématique des faits biologiques. — «Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale». 1936, № 1.
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813. Thompson L. Culture in Crisis. A Study of the Hopi Indians. N.Y., 1950.
814. Thomson D. F. The joking relationship and organized obscenity in North Queensland. — AmAnth. Vol. 37, 1935, № 37, p. 1.
815.Thomson D. F. Economic structure and the ceremonial exchange cycle in Arnhem Land. Melbourne, 1949.
816.The Training of the professional anthropologist. Symposium. — AmAnth. Vol. 54, 1952, № 3.
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822.*Verstraten P. Lévi-Strauss ou la tentation du néant. — «Les Temps Modernes», 19me année, № 206, 207 et 208, VII, VIII. IX. 1963.
823. *Vier J. Les méthodes structuralistes dans les Sciences humaines. Paris—The Hague, 1969.
824. *Victor К. Goethe the Thinker. Cambridge, Mass., 1950.
825. *Vogel Ph. Le makara dans la sculpture de l'Inde. — RAA. Vol. 6, 1929-1930.
826. *Vokes E. H. A Possible Hindu Influence on Teotihuacan. — «American Antiquary» (Menasha). Vol. 29, 1963, № 1.
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830. *Wahl F. Le Cru et le Cuit. — «France-Observateur». № 758, novembre 1964.
831. Warner W. L. Morphology and functions of the Australian Murgin type of Kinship. 1—2. — AmAnth. Vol. 32, 1930, № 2; Vol. 33, 1931, №2.
832. Warner W. L. A black civilization. N. Y., 1937.
833. Warner W. L. The Family and principles of kinship structure in Australia. — «American sociological review». Vol. 2, 1937.
834. Waterbury F. Early Chinese symbols and literature: vestiges and speculations. N. Y., 1942.
835. *Weil A. Sur l'étude de certains types de bois de marriage (Système Murngin). — С. Lévi-Strauss. Les structures élémentaires de la parenté. P., 1949 (2 éd. P., 1968).
836. *White H. An anatomy of kinship. Englewood Cliffs, 1963 (ср. рус. пер. статьи в [1376*]).
837. White L. A. Energy and the evolution of culture. — AmAnth. Vol. 45, 1943, № 3, p. 1.
838. White L. A. History, evolutionism and functionalism: Three types of interpretation of Culture. — «Southwestern Journal of Anthropology». Vol. 1, 1945.
839. White L. A. Evolutionary stages, progress and the evaluation of culture. — «Southwestern Journal of Anthropology». Vol. 3, 1947.
840. W h i t e L. A. The Science of Culture. N. Y, 1949.
841. W h o r f B. L. Collected papers on metalinguistics. Wash., 1952.
842. Whorf B. L. Language, thought, and reality. Ed. by J. B. Carroll. N. Y., 1956 (*см. рус. пер. отдельных статей в [105]).
843.Wiener N. Cybernetics, or control and communication in the animal and the machine. Paris — Cambridge — New York, 1948 (*pyc. пер. с прибавлением новых глав, см.: H. Винер. Кибернетика, или управление и связь в животном и машине. М., 1968).
844.Wiener N. The human use of human beings. Boston, 1950 (*pyc. пер.: H. Винер. Кибернетика и общество. М., 1958).
845.Williams F. E. Sex affilation and its implication. — JRAI. Vol. 62, 1932, p. 1.
846.Williams F. E. Natives of Lake. Kutubu, Papua. — «Oceania». 1940-1941, vol. 11; 1941-1942, vol. 12.
847. Williams F. E. Group sentiment and primitive justice. — AmAnth. Vol. 43, 1941, № 4, p. 1.
848. *Wilson E. O. Sociobiology. The new synthesis. Cambridge, Mass., 1975.
849. Wittfogel K. A., Goldfrank E. Some aspects of Pueblo mythology and society. — JAF. Vol. 56, 1943.
850. *Worsly P. Groote Eylandt totemism and «Le totémisme aujourd'hui». — The structural study of myth and totemism. Ed. by E. Leach. L., 1967.
851. *Yalman N. On the Purity of Women in the Castes of Ceylon and Malabar. - JRAI. Vol. 92, 1962, p. 2.
852. *Yalman N. The Structure of Sinhalese Kindred: A Re-Examination of the Dravidian Terminology. — AmAnth. Vol. 64, 1962, № 3, p. 1.
853. *Yalman N. On some binary categories in Sinhalese religious thought. — «Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences». Ser. 2. Vol. 24, 1962.
854 *Yalman N. The structure of Sinhalese healing rituals. — «Religion in South Asia». Ed. by E. Harper. Seattle, 1964.