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Veilleux. Liturgie = A. Veilleux. La liturgie dans le céno‑bitisme pachomien au quatrième siècle. — Studia Anselmiana 57. Roma, 1968.
Veniamin. Transfiguration = Ch. N. Veniamin. The Transfiguration of Christ in Greek Patristic Literature. D. Phil, thesis. Oxford, 1991.
Verrnes. Bible = G. Vermes. Bible and Midrash: Early Old Testament Exegesis. — The Cambridge History of the Bible. Vol.1. Cambridge, 1970. P. 199–231.
Volk. Klosterbibliotheken = O. Volk. Die byzantinische Klosterbibliotheken von Konstantinopel, Thessalonike und Kleinasien. München, 1974.;
Völker. Maximus = W. Völker. Maximus Confessor als Meister des geistlichen Lebens. Wiesbaden, 1965.
Völker. Praxis = W. Völker. Praxis und Theoria bei Symeon dem neuen Theologen. Ein Beitrag zur byzantinischen Mystik. Wiesbaden, 1974.
Völker. Scala = W. Völker. Scala Paradisi. Eine Studie zu Johannes Climacus und zugleich eine Vorstudie zu Symeon dem neuen Theologen. Wiesbaden, 1968.
Wallace‑Hadrill. Nature = D. S. Wallace‑Hadrill. The Greek Patristic View on Nature. Manchester, 1968.
Ward. Apophthegmata = B. Ward. Apophtegmata Matrum. — Studia Patristica, XVI. Berlin, 1985. P.63–66.
Ware. Baptism = К. Т. Ware. The Sacrament of Baptism and the Ascetic Life in the Teaching of Mark the Monk. — Studia Patristica, X. Berlin, 1970. P.441–452.
Ware. Christodoulos = Kallistos Ware. The Monastic Ideal according to St Christodoulos of Patmos. — Ιερά Μονή αγίου Ιωάννου του Θεολόγου — 900 χρόνια ιστορικής μαρτυρίας (1088–1988). Athens, 1989. Ρ.23–34.
Ware. Church = Τ. Ware. The Orthodox Church. London, 1993.
Ware. Father = Kallistos T. Ware. The Spiritual Father in Saint John Climacus and Saint Symeon the New Theologian. — Studia Patristica, XVIII, 2. Kalamazoo — Louvain, 1989. P.299–316.
Ware. Introductory Note = K. Ware. Introductory Note. — The Philokalia. The Complete Text. Translated om the Greek by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherard and Kallistos Ware. Vol.3. London — Boston, 1984. P. 282–284.
Ware. Traités = К. Ware. Introduction. — Marc le Moine. Traités spirituels et théologiques. Bellefontaine, 1985. P. IX‑LI.
Ware. Meaning = Archimandrite Kallistos Ware. The Meaning of the Great Fast. — The Lenten Triodion. London, 1977. P. 13–68.
Ware. Monk = K. Ware. The Monk and the Married Christian. — ECR6, 1. 1974. P.72–83.
Ware. Mystery = K. Ware. The Mystery of God and Man in St Symeon the New Theologian. — Sobornost 6/4. London, 1971. P.227–236.
Ware. Pathos = К. Т. Ware. The Meaning of»Pathos»in Abba Isaias and Theodoret of Cyrus. — Studia Patristica, XX. Louvain, 1989. P.315–322.
Ware. Symeon = T. Ware. Symeon der Neue Theologe. —
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Ware. Synagoge = K. Ware. Prayer and the Sacraments in the Synagoge. — The Theotokos Evergetis and Eleventh‑Century Monasticism. Ed. M. Mullet and A. Kirby. Belfast, 1994, 325–347.
Ware. Transfiguration = T. Ware. The Transfiguration of the Body. — Sobornost 4/8. London, 1963. P.420–434.
Wellesz. History = E. Wellesz. A History of Byzantine Music and Hymnography. Oxford, 1967.
Wheeler Robinson. Man = H. Wheeler Robinson. The Christian Doctrine of Man. Edinburgh, 1926.
Williams. Fall = N. P. Williams. The Ideas of the Fall and of Original Sin. London, 1927.
Wilson. Libraries = N. G. Wilson. The Libraries of the Byzantine World. — Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 8. Durham, 1967. P.53–80.
Wilson. Scholars = N. G. Wilson. Scholars of Byzantium.
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Wingren. Man = G. Wingren. Man and the Incarnation. A Study in the Biblical Theology of Irenaeus. Philadelphia, 1959.
Winslow. Dynamics = D. F. Winslow. The Dynamics of Salvation. A Study in Gregory of Nazianzus. Philadelphia, 1979.
Wirth. Θεολόγος = P. Wirth. Καινός θεολόγος. — Oriens Christianus, 45. Wiesbaden, 1961. P. 127–128.
Wolfson. Philosophy = H. A. Wolfson. The Philosophy of the Church Fathers. Cambridge, Massachusetts — London, 1970.
Yannopoulos. Société = P. A. Yannopoulos. La société profane dans l'empire byzantin des VIIe, VIIIe et IXe siècles. Louvain, 1975.
Yousif. Eucharistie = P. Yousif. L'Eucharistie chez saint Ephrem de Nisibe. OCA 224. 1984.
Zizioulas. Being = John D. Zizioulas. Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church. London, 1985.
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Μικραγιαννανίτης. Κατάλογος = Γεράσιμος μοναχός Μικρ–αγιαννανίτης. Κατάλογος χειρογράφων κοδικών της… Σκήτης της αγίας Θεομήτορος»Αννης. Αθήναι, 1961.
Σάκκος. Πατήρ = Στ.Σάκκος. Ό Πατήρ Μου μείζων Μου εστίν. Τ.Ι–ΙΙ. Θεσσαλονίκη, 1966–1968.
Χρήστου. Εισαγωγή = Π.Χρήστου. Εισαγωγή. — Συμεών του Νέου Θεολόγου Βίος, Κεφάλαια, Εΰχαριστίαι. Θεσσαλονίκη, 1983. Σελ.9–33.
Χρήστου. Νικήτα = Π.Χρήστου. Εισαγωγή. — Νικήτα Στηθάτου μυστικά συγγράμματα. Θεσσαλονίκη, 1957.
AGO = Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum. Ed. E. Schwartz.
CC = Corpus Christianorum. Tournhout — Paris.,
CCG = Corpus Christianorum, series graeca. Tournhout — Paris.
CCL = Corpus Christianorum, series latina. Tournhout — Paris. DHGE = Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques.
DOP = Dumbarton Oaks Papers. Washington, D. C.
DSp = Dictionnaire de spiritualité. Ed. M. Viller. Paris.
DTC = Dictionnaire de théologie catholique. Ed. A. Vacant,
E. Mangenot, E. Ammann. Paris. 1903–1950.
ECQ = Eastern Churches Quarterly. Ramsgate.;
ECR = Eastern Churches Review. London.
GCS = Die grechischen christlichen Schriftsteller. Leipzig — Berlin.
LTK = Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche. eiburg i. B.
NRTh = Nouvelle revue théologique. Tournai.
ОС = Orientalia Christiana. Roma.
OCA = Orientalia Christiana Analecta. Roma.
OCP = Orientalia Christiana Periodica. Roma.
ODByz = The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium. Ed. A. Kazhdan.
PG = Patrologiae cursus completus, series graeca. Ed. J‑P.
Migne. Paris.
PL = Patrologiae cursus completus, series latina. Ed. J. — P.
Migne. Paris.
PO = Patrologia Orientalis. Ed. R. Graffin, F. Nau. Paris.
PTS = Patristische Texte und Studien. Hrsg. von K. Aland, E. Muhlenberg. Berlin — New York.
REB = Revue des études byzantines. Paris.
ROC = Revue de l'Orient chrétien. Paris.
RSR = Recherches de sciences religieuses. Paris.
SB = Supplementa byzantina. Berlin.
SC = Sources Chrétiennes. Paris.
TU = Texte und Untersuchungen. Leipzig — Berlin.
Εύεργετινός = Εύεργετινός, ήτοι Συναγωγή των θεοφθόγγων ρημάτων και διδασκαλιών των θεοφόρων και αγίων Πατέρων. T. I‑IV.
Αθήναι, 1990.
Φιλοκαλία = Φιλοκαλία των ιερών νηπτικών. T. I‑V. Αθήναι, 1957-
1. Для смотрящих телесно Бога нигде нет, ибо Он невидим, а для мыслящих духовно Он везде есть, ибо Он присутствует всюду. Он во всем и вне всего, поэтому Он близок к боящимся Его [1618], но далеко от грешников опасение Его [1619].