Квантовое сознание
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Эта книга основана на простой, но глубокой истине: в том, как устроена Вселенная, есть важные уроки того, как действует человеческий ум. Волинский применяет уроки современной физики к психологии, оригинальным, практичным, и захватывающим способом.
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На что может быть похож квантовый мир.
Almaas, A.H. The Void. York Beach, ME: Samuel Weiser, Inc., 1986.
American College Dictionary. New York: Random House, 1963.
Bahirgit, B.P. The Amritanubhava of Jnanadeva. Bombay: Sirur Press, 1963.
Bentov, Itzhak. Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness. Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1977.
Berne, Eric. Games People Play. New York: Grove Press, 1964
Besant, Ann and Leadbeater, C.W. Thought Forms. Wheaton IL: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1969.
Blank, Gertrude R. and Rubin. Ego Psychology II. New York: Columbia University Press, 1974.
Bohm, David. The Enfolding-Unfolding Universe: a Conversation with David Bohm.
_____. Quantum Theory. London: Constable, 1951.
_____. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. London: Ark Paperbacks, 1980.
_____. and Peat, David F. Science, Order and Creativity. New York: Bantam Books, 1987.
_____. Unfolding Meaning. London: Ark Paperbacks, 1985.
Boslough, John. Stephen Hawking’s Universe. New York: Avon Books, 1985.
Briggs, John and Peat, David F. Looking Glass Universe: The Emerging Science of Wholeness. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1984.
Capek, M. The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand, 1961.
Capra, Fritjof. The Tao of Physics. New York: Bantam Books, 1976.
Cayce, Edgar. Edgar Cayce on ESP. New York: Paperback Library, 1967.
Dass Ram. The Only Dance There Is. New York: Bantam, 1972.
Davies, Paul and Gribbin, John. The Myth of Matter: Dramatic Discoveries That Challenge our Understanding of Physical Reality. New York: Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster, 1992.
Davis, Martha, Fannie, Patrick and McKay, Mathew. Thoughts and Feelings: The Art of Cognitive Stress Intervention. Richmond, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 1981.
DeWitt, C. and Wheeler, J.A. Batelle Renconties, “Superspace and the nature of Quantum Geotermodynamics: 1967 Lectures in Mathematics and Physics”. New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1968.
Erickson, M.H. and Rossi, E.L. Hypnotherapy: An Exploratory Casebook. New York: Irvington, 1979.
_____ and Rossi, E.L. The February Man: Facilitating New Identity in Hypnotherapy.
Fung, Yu-lan. A Short History of Chinese Philosophy. New York: Macmillan, 1958.
Godman, David. Be As You Are: The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi. Arkana, London, 1985.
Goldstein, Joseph. The Experience of Insight. Boston/London: Shambhala, 1987.
_____ and Kornfield, Jack. Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation. Boston/London: Shambhala, 1987.
Govinda, L.A., Foundations of Tibetian Mysticism, New York: Samuel Weiser, 1974.
Haley, J. Advanced Techniques of Hypnosis and Therapy: Selected Papers of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1967.
Harding, D.E. On Having No Head: Zen and the Rediscovery of the Obvious. London: Arkana (Routledge & Kegan Paul), 1986.
_____. The Little Book of Life and Death. London: Arkana, 1988.
Hawking, Stephen. A Brief History of Time. New York: Bantam Publishing Co., 1988.
Herbert, Nick. Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics. New York: Anchor Press, 1985.
Hoffer, Eric. The True Believer. New York: Harper and Row, 1951.
Hoffman, Noel. The Sound of One Hand. New York: Basic Books, 1975.
Hua, Master Tripitaka. Shurangama Sutra. San Francisco, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1977.
_____. The Heart Sutra and Commentary. San Francisco, CA: Buddhist Text Translation Society, 1980.
Isherwood, Christopher and Prabhavanda, Swami. How to Know God: the Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. California: New American Library, 1953.
Jagadiswarananda, Swami. Devi Mahatmyam Sri Ramakrishna Math. Madras, 1978.
Jung, Carl, The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche, Vol. III, The Collected Works of Carl Jung, Translated by R.F.C. Hall, Bolingen series XX, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1960.
Khana Madhu. Yantra The Tantric Symbol of Cosmic Unity. London: Thames and Hudson Ltd., 1979.
Korzybski, Alfred. Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics. Lancaster, PA: International Non-Aristotelian Library Publishing Company, 1933.
Lopez, Donald. The Heart Sutra Explained. New York: State University of New York Press, 1988.
Maharshi, Ramana. Gems from Bhagavan Sri Ramanashram. Tiruvannamali, 1965.
_____. The Spiritual Teachings of Ramana Maharshi. Boulder/London: Shambhala, 1972.
_____. Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Ramanashram. S. India, 1978.
Masters, Robert and Houston, Jean. Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space. New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1972.
Mookerjit, Ajit. Tantra Asana. A Way to Self-Realization. Basel, Paris, New Delhi: Ravi Kumar, 1971.