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В своей книге он продолжает начатую работу по созданию основ для `формирования единой психологии и философии, включающей в себя как глубины, так и высоты человеческой природы`. Это попытка соединить `психологию развития и роста` с психопатологией, психоаналитической динамикой и движением к целостности.
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292. STEINBERG, S. The Labyrinth. Harper & Row, 1960.
293. STEINZOR, B. The Healing Partnership. Harper & Row, 1967.
294. SUTICH, A. The growth-experience and the growth-centered attitude, J. Psychol., 1949, 28, 293–301.
295. SYKES, G. The Hidden Remnant. Harper & Row, 1962.
296. TANZER, D. The Psychology of Pregnancy and Childbirth: An Investigation of Natural Childbirth. Ph. D. Thesis, Brandeis University, 1967.
297. THORNE, F.C. Personality. Journal of Clinical Psychology Publishers, 1961.
298. TILLICH, P. Love, Power and Justice. Oxford University Press, 1960.
299. TORRANCE, E.P. Constructive Behavior. Wadsworth, 1965.
300. VAN KAAM, А. The Art of Existential Counseling. Dimension Books, 1966.
301. WEISSKOPF, W. Economic growth and human well-being, Manas, Aug. 21, 1963, 16, 1–8.
302. WHITE, R. (ed.) The Study of Lives. Atherton Press, 1964.
303. WHITEHEAD, A.N. The Aims of Education. Mentor Bros., 1949.
304. —— Adventures of ideas. Macrnillan, 1933.
305. WIENPAHL, P. The Matter of Zen. New York University Press, 1964.
306. WILSON, C. Beyond the Outsider. London: Arthur Barker Ltd., 1965.
307. —— Introduction to the New Existentialism. Houghton Mifflin, 1967.
308. WOLFF, W. The Expression of Personality. Harper & Row, 1943.
309. WOOTTON, G. Workers, Unions and the State. Schocken, 1967.
310. YABLONSKY, L. The Tunnel Back: Synanons. Macrnillan, 1965.
311. ZINKER, J. Rosa Lee: Motivation and the Crisis of Dying. Lake Erie College Studies, 1966.