Афины: история города
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На нашей планете найдется не много городов, способных соперничать с Афинами древностью.
Построенный Тесеем по воле богини Афины, этот город видел нашествие персов и суд над Сократом, славил Перикла и изгонял Фукидида, объединял Грецию и становился зачинщиком раздоров, восхвалял поэтов и философов — и подвергал их осмеянию. Позднее этот город видел македонцев, римлян и галлов, сопротивлялся Османской империи, принимал лорда Байрона и других знаменитостей и в конце концов стал столицей независимой Греции.
Приятных прогулок по городу Акрополя и Парфенона, городу Перикла и Фемистокла, Платона и Аристотеля, Ипсиланти и Каподистрии, Вангелиса и Демиса Руссоса!
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Chirico Giorgio de. The Memoirs of Giorgio de Chirico. London: Peter Owen, 1971.
Clogg Richard. A Concise History of Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Constantinou Fani, Kardamitsi-Adamou M. Athina Tote kai Tora // Athens Then and Now. Athens: Olkos, 2003.
Dodwell Edward. A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece in the Years 1801, 1805 and 1806. London: Rodwell & Martin, 1819.
Drosinis G. Skorpia Phylla tis Zois mou (Scattered Leaves from my Life). Athens: Society for the Distribution of Useful Books (SDOV), 1982,1983,1985.
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Finlay George. The Journals and Letters of George Finlay. Camberley: Porphyrogenitus, 1995.
Freud Sigmund. A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis // Complete Psychological Works. London: Hogarth Press, 1964. Vol. 22.
Garrett Martin. Greece: a Literary Companion. London: John Murray, 1994.
Greece: A Travelers Literary Companion / ed. Leontis Artemis. San Francisco: Whereabouts Press, 1997.
Hall Peter. Cities in Civilization: Culture, Innovation and Urban Order. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1998.
Haritatos Manos et al. I Athina ton Valkanikon Polemon 1912— 1913 // The Athens of the Balkan Wars 1912-1913. Athens: Cultural Centre, Municipality of Athens, and ELIA, 1993.
Hetherington Paul. Byzantine and Medieval Greece: Churches, Castles and Art. London: John Murray, 1991.
Hinks Roger. The Gymnasium of the Mind: the Journals of Roger Hinks 1933-1963.
Hirschon Renee. Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: the Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1998.
Horton George. Modern Athens. New York: Scribner's, 1901.
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Kaftantzoglou Roxane. Sti Skia tou Ierou Vrachou: Topos kai Mnimi sta Anaphiotika (In the Shadow of the Holy Rock: Place and Memory in the Anaphiotika // Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 2001.
Kanellopoulos Panagiotis. Athens. Munich: Knorr & Hirtle Verlag, 1964.
Kardamitsi-Adami M. Otan Ktizotan i Athina: Dimosia Ktiria XIX Aiona // When Athens Was Being Built: Public Buildings of the XIX Century. Athens: Libro, 1999.
Keeley Edmund. Inventing Paradise: the Greek Journey 1937— 1947. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999.
Koliopoulos John, Veremis Thanos. Greece, the Modern Sequel: from 1831 to the Present. London: Hurst & Co., 2002.
Korres Manolis. The Stones of the Parthenon. Athens: Melissa, 2000.
Koubis Takis et all. Athens 2002: Absolute Realism // 8th International Exhibition of Architecture, Venice Biennale 2002. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture, 2002.
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Lancaster Osbert. Classical Landscape with Figures. London: John Murray, 1947.
Lancaster Osbert. Sailing to Byzantium: an Architectural Companion. London: John Murray, 1969.
Leontis Artemis. Topographies of Hellenism: Mapping the Homeland. Ithaca, London: Cornell University, 1995.
Llewellyn Smith Michael. Olympics in Athens, 1896. London: Profile Books, 2004.
Llewellyn Smith Michael. The British Embassy, Athens. Athens: British Embassy, 1998.
Lorenzatos Zissimos. The Drama of Quality: Selected Essays / Liadain Sherrard (trans.), Limni: Denise Harvey, 2000; (includes essays on Papadiamantis and Pikionis).
Lucas F. L., Lucas Prudence. From Olympus to the Styx. London: Cassell, 1934.
Lytton, 1st Earl. Athens // After Paradise. London, 1865.
Mackenzie Compton. First Athenian Memories. London: Cas-sell, 1931.
Mackenzie Molly. Turkish Athens. Reading. Ithaca Press, 1992.
Mahaffy J. P. Greece in 1884 // The English Illustrated Magazine. Vol 1.1884.
Mahaffy J. P. Rambles and Studies in Greece. London: Mac-millan, 1907.
Makriyiannis: the Memoirs of General Makriyiannis 1797—1864 / Ed. Lidderdale H. A. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966.
Matton Lya, Matton Raymond. Athenes et ses monuments du XVII siècle a nos jours. Athens: Institut Francois d'Athenes, 1963.
Maurras Charles. Anthinea: d'Athenes a Florence. Paris: Felix Juven, 1913.
Mazower Mark. Inside Hitlers Greece: the Experience of Occupation, 1941—1944. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 1993.
Melville Herman. Collected Poems. Chicago: Packard & Co., 1947.
Melville Herman. Journals. Evanston & Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 1989.
Micheli Lisa. Athina se Tonous Elassones // Athens in Minor Tones. Athens, 1987.
Micheli Lisa. Monastiraki: Athens's Old Market. Athens: Oce-anida, 1985.
Micheli Lisa. Plaka. Athens, 1985.
Miller Henry. The Colossus of Maroussi. New York: New Directions, 1941.
Miller William. Greece. London: Ernest Benn, 1928.
Miller William. Greek Life in Town and Country. London: George Newnes, 1905.
Miller William. The Early Years of Modern Athens. London: Anglo-Hellenic League, 1926.
Ministry of Culture and Museum of Cycladic Art. The City beneath the City: Finds from Excavations for the Metropolitan Railway of Athens. Athens: Kapon Editions, 2000.
Mommsen Theodore. The Venetians in Athens and the Destruction of the Parthenon in 1687 // Medieval and Renaissance Studies. New York, 1959.
Morgenthau Henry. I Was Sent to Athens. New York: Double-day, 1929.
Murray John. Handbook for Travellers in Greece. London: John Murray, 1896.
Nestlehutt Mark S. Anglicans in Greece: The Episcopal Mission and the English Chaplaincy at Athens // Anglican and Episcopal History. Vol. LXV. 1996.
Nicolson Harold. Sir Arthur Nicolson, Bart., First Lord Car-nock: a Study in the Old Diplomacy. London: Constable, 1930.
Panourgia Neni. Fragments of Death, Fables of Identity: An Athenian Autobiography. Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press, 1995.
Papageorgiou-Venetas Alexander. Athina: ena (Drama tou Klasikismou // Athens: a Vision of Classicism. Athens, 2001.
Papageorgiou-Venetas Alexander. The Ancient Heritage in Modern Metropolitan Life: Landscaping the Archaeological Sites of Athens // Annales d'Esthetique. Vol 29-30. 1990-1991.
Pausanias. Guide to Greece. London: Penguin, 1971.
Petsalis-Diomedis Thanasis. Deka Tria Chronia // Thirteen Years. Athens: Hestia, 1964.
Plato. The Last Days of Socrates. London: Penguin Books, 1954.
Plutarch. Pericles // The Rise and Fall of Athens / trans. Ian Scott-Kilvert.
Prevelakis Georges. Athenes: urbanisme, culture et politique. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2000.
Protestou Errica. Athens: a Guide to Recent Architecture. London: Konemann, 1998.
Refugee Greece: Photographs from the Archive of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies / Ed. Yiannakopoulos Georgios A. Athens, 1992.
Renan Ernest. The Memoirs of Ernest Renan // Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeuness / J. Lewis May (ed.). London: Geoffrey Bles,1935.
Ricketts Charles. Pages from a Diary in Greece. Edinburgh: Tragara Press, 1978.
Roessel David. In Byron's Shadow: Modern Greece in the English and American Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.