Естествознание, философия и науки о человеческом поведении в Советском Союзе
Естествознание, философия и науки о человеческом поведении в Советском Союзе читать книгу онлайн
В работе профессора Массачусетского технологического института (США) Л. Р. Грэхэма на большом фактическом материале анализируется полная драматизма история взаимодействия диалектического материализма и советской науки в период с 1917 до середины 80-х годов. Автор подробно рассматривает дискуссии вокруг генетики, физиологии, психологии, кибернетики, химии, космологии, и других дисциплин, а также роль в истории нашей науки отдельных политических деятелей и ученых (И. В. Сталина, А. А. Жданова, Н. И. Вавилова, Т. Д. Лысенко, Б. М. Кедрова, О. Ю. Шмидта, А. И. Берга и др.).
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Bok Bart J. The Astronomer’s Universe. Cambridge, 1958.
Bondi H. Cosmology. Cambridge. 1961.
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—||— Psychology, History of // Encyclopedia Britannica. Chicago, 1959, 18:713.
Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness. Springfield, III., 1954.
Brennan Joseph G. The Meaning of Philosophy. New York, 1967.
De Broglie Louis. La Cybernetique // La Nouvelle Revue Francaise (July 1953), P. 60–85.
—||— La Physique quantique restera-t-elle indeterministe? // Revue de Histoire des Sciences et des leurs applications. 5 (October-December 1952), 5(4):289–311.
Brozek Josef. Soviet Contributions to History // Contemporary Psychology (1969), 14 (8):432—34.
Bruner Jerome. Introduction to L. S. Vygotsky. Thought and Language, P. v-x. Cambridge, Mass., 1962.
Buck R. C. On the Logic of General Behavior Systems Theory // H. Feigel and M. Scriven, eds., Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 1:223—38. Minneapolis, 1956.
Bukharin Nikolai. Historical Materialism. Ann Arbor, 1969.
Caldwell Oliver J. and Loren R. Graham. Moscow in May 1963: Education and Cybernetics. Washington. D. C., U.S. Office of Education Bulletin, 1964.
Cannon Walter F. The Uniformitarian-Catastrophist Debate // ISIS (March 1960), 51:38–55.
Caplan Arthur L., ed. The Sociobiology Debate: Readings on the Ethical and Scientific Issues Concerning Sociobiology. New York, 1978.
Chargaff E. Nucleic Acids as Carriers of Biological Information // Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Origin of Life on the Earth, P. 297–302. New York. 1959.
Chomsky Noam. After Pinkville // The New York Review of Books, January 1, 1970.
Cohen Robert S. Engels, Friedrich // Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York, 1978. Vol. 15 (supplement). P. 131—47.
Cole Michael, ed. The Selected Writings of A. R. Luria. White Plains, N. Y., 1978.
Cole Sheila. Soviet Family Clubs and Human Potential. Manuscript. 1984.
Coleman William. Georges Cuvier: Zoologist: A Study in the History of Evolutionary Theory. Cambridge, Mass., 1964.
Colodny R. G., ed Beyond the Edge of Certainty. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1965.
Comey David Dinsmore. Soviet Controversies Over Relativity // The State of Soviet Science. P. 186—99. Cambridge, Mass., 1965.
Comey David D. and L. R. Kerschner. Soviet Publications on Cybernetics and Western Translations of Soviet Publications on Cybernetics // Studies in Soviet Thought (February 1964), 4(2): 142—77.
Crombie A. C. Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science. 1100–1700. Oxford, 1953.
Culliton Barbara J. XYZ: Harvard Researcher under Fire Stops Newborn Screening // Science (June 27, 1975), 188:1284—85.
Cury Hilaire. Ivan Pavlov: The Man and His Theories. New York, 1965.
Darlington C. D. The Retreat from Science in Soviet Russia // Conway Zirkle, ed., Death of a Science in Russia, P. 67–80. Philadelphia, 1949.
Davis Chandler. La Sociobiologie et son Explication de l'Humanite // Annales (July-August 1981), 36:531–571.
Deutsch Karl. The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control. New York, 1963.
Dijksterhuis D. J. The Mechanization of the World Picture. London, 1961.
Dobb Maurice. Soviet Economic Development Since 1917. New York, 1966. Dobzhansky Theodosius. N. I. Vavilov, A Martyr of Genetics, 1887–1942 // Journal of Heredity (August 1947), 38(8):229—30.
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Duhring E. Cursus der Philosophie als streng wissenschaftlicher Weltanschauung und Lebensgestaltung. Leipzig, 1875.
Dunlop John B. The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism. Princeton, 1983.
Dunn L. С A Short History of Genetics. New York, 1965.
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Dyson Freeman J. Mathematics in the Physical Sciences // Scientific American (September 1964). P. 129—46.
Eccles John Carew. The Neurophysiological Basis of Mind. Oxford. 1952.
Eigen Manfred. Selforganization of matter and the Evolution of Biological Macromolecules // Die Naturwissenschaften (October: 1971). Vol. 10.
Einstein A., B. Podolsky and N. Rosen. Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? // Physical Review. (May 15, 1935), 47 (10):777—80.
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Engels Friedrich. Anti-Duhring. Berlin, 1962.
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—||— Dialectics of Nature. New York. 1940.
—||— Dialectics of nature. Moscow, 1954.
—||— Ludwig Feuerbach. New York, 1935.
Farley John. The Spontaneous Generation Controversy from Descartes to Oparin. Baltimore, 1977.
Farrington Benjamin Greek Science. Baltimore, 1961.
Feigl Herbert. The Mental and the Physical. // Herbert Feigl, Michael Scriven and Grover Maxwell, eds., Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Concepts, Theories, and the Mind-Body Problem, 2:370–497. Minneapolis, 1958.
Feyerabend Paul K. Dialectical Materialism and Quantum Theory // Slavic Review (September 1966), 25:414—17.
—||— Problems of Microphysics // R. G. Colodny, ed., Frontiers of Science and Philosophy. P. 189–284. Pittsburgh, 1962.
Findlay Alexander, A Hundred Years of Chemistry. New York, 1937.
Fischer George, ed. Science and Ideology in Soviet Society. New York, 1967.
Fletcher Joseph. The Ethics of Genetic Control: Ending Reproductive Roulette. Garden City, N. Y., 1974.
Fock V. A. Comments // Slavic Review (September 1966). P. 411—13.
—||— La physique quantique et les idealisations classiques // Dialectica (1965), no. 3–4. P. 223—45.
—||— Les principes mecaniques de Galilee et le theorie d’Einstein // Atti del convegno sulla relativita generale: problemi dell’energia e onde gravitazionali. P. 1–2, Florence, 1965.
—||— The Theory of Space, Time, and Gravitation. New York, 1959.
Fox Sidney W., ed. The Origins of Prebiological Systems and of Their Molecular Matrices. New York and London. 1965.
Fraenkel-Conrat H. and B. Singer. The Infective Nucleic Acid from Tobacco Mosaic Virus // Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Origin of Life on the Earth. P. 303—6. New York, 1959.
Frank Philipp. Between Physics and Philosophy. Cambridge, 1941.
—||— Einstein, Mach and Logical Positivism // Edward H. Madden, ed., The Structure of Scientific Thought. P. 84–89. Boston: Houghton Miffin, 1960.
—||— Foundations of Physics. Chicago, 1946.
French Sidney J. The Drama of Chemistry. New York, 1937.
Freud Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents. New York, 1961.
Galileo Galilei. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems — Ptolemaic and Copernican. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1962.
Gamow George. The Creation of the Universe. New York, 1955.
Gillispie Charles Coulston. Lamarck and Darwin in the History of Science // Bentley Glass, Owsei Temkin, and William L. Straus Jr. eds. Forerunners of Darwin: 1745–1859. P. 275—91. Baltimore 1959.