Постструктурализм, Деконструктивизм, Постмодернизм
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321. Mitchel 1 J. Psycoanalysis and feminism. -- L., 1974. -- 456 p.
322. Moi T. Sexual/texual politics: Feminist literary history. -- L., 1985. --200р.
323. Moriarty M. Roland Barthes. -- Stanford, 1991. -- XII, 255 p.
324. Morris W. The irrepressible real: Jacques Lacan and poststructuralism. // American criticism in the poststruturalist age. / Ed. by Konigsberg I. -- Michigan, 1981. -- P. 116-34.
325. Morrissette В. Post-modem generative fiction: Novel and film. // Crit. inquiry. -- Chicago, 1975. --Vol. 2, No 2. -- P. 281-314.
326. Nordahl Lund S. L'aventure du signifiant: Une lecture de Barthes. --P., 1981.-- 124р.
327. Norris Ch. Deconstruction and the Interest of theory. -- L.. 1988. -244 p.
328. OTarreU С. Foucault: Historian or philosopher? -- L., 1989. -- 188 P
329. Ohman R. Uterature as act. // Approaches to poetics. -- N.Y.; L., 1973.--P. 81-107.
330. Oliva A. B. The international trans-avantgarde. // Plashart -- N.Y., 1982. -- No 104. -- P. 36-43.
331. Ong W. J. Orality and literacy: The technologising of the world. -L., 1982. --X, 201 p.
332. Perrone-Moises L. L'intertextualite critique. // Poetique. -- P., 1976. -- No 27. -- P. 372-384.
333. Poirier R. The politics of self-parody. // Partisan rev. -- N.Y., 1968. -- Vol 35, No 3. -- P. 327-342.
334. Postmoderne: Zeichen eines kulturellen Wandels. // Hrsg. Von Huyssen A., Scherpe K. R. -- Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1986. -- 427 S.
335. Post-structuralism and the question of history. / Ed. by Attridge D., Bennington G., Young R. -- Cambridge, 1987. -- VIII, 293 p.
336. Prigoglne I., Stengers I. La nouvelle Alliance: Metamorphose de la science. -- P., 1983. -- 302 p.
337. Rajchman J. Michel Foucault, the freedom of philosophy. -- N.Y., 1985. --(9), 131 р.
338. Riddel J. The inverted bell: Modernism and the counterpoetics of William Carol Williams. -- Baton Rouge, 1974. -- XXV. 308 p.
339. Riffaterre M. Essais de styllstique structurale. -- P., 1971. -364р.
340. Riffaterre M. La production du texte. -- P., 1979. -- 284 p.
341. Rifiaterre M. Semiotics of poetry. -- Bloomington; L.,1978. -- X, 213 p.
342. Riffaterre M. La syUepse intertextuelle. // Poetique. -- P., 1979. -No40.--P. 496-501.
343. Rivals Y. Les Demoiselles d'A. -- P., 1979. -- 462 p.
344. Roger Ph. Roland Barthes, roman. -- P., 1986. -- 350 p.
345. Rorty R. Philosophy as a kind of writing: An essay on Derrida. // New lit. history. -- Charlottesvllle, 1978. -- Vol. 10, No I. -- P. 141- 160.
346. Ryan M. Marxism and deconstruction: A crit. articulation. -Baltimore, 1982. -- XIX, 232 p.
347. Ryan M.-L. Pragmatics of personal and impersonal fiction. // Poetics. -- Amsterdam, 1981. --Vol. 10, No 6. -- P. 517-539.
348. Said E. W. Beginnings: Intention and method. -- N.Y., 1965. -- XXI, 414р.
349. Saldivar R. Figural language in the novel: The flowers of speech from Cervantes to Joyce. -- Princeton, 1984. -- XIV, 267 p.
350. Sarup M. An introductory guide to post-structuralism and postmodernism. -- N.Y., 1988. -- VIII, 171 p.
351. Schneidau H. S. Sacred discontent: The Bible and Western tradition. -- Baton Rouge, 1976. -- 331 p.
352. Schneiderman S. Jacques Lacan: The death of an intellectual hero. -Harvard, 1983, --VII, 182 p.
353. Searle J. R. Indirect speech acts. // Syntax and semantics. -- N.Y., 1975. -- Vol. 3. -- P. 59-82.
354. Searle J. Reitirating the differences: A reply to Derrida. // Glyph. -- Baltimore, 1977. --No 1. -- P. 198-288.
355. Sheridan A. M. Foucault: The will to truth. -- L., 1981. -- 243 p.
356. Silhol R. Le texte du desir: La critique apres Lacan. -- Petit Roeulx, 1984,--256p.
357. Smart B. Michel Foucault. -- Chichester; N.Y., 1985. -- 150 p.
358. Smith P. Discerning the subject. -- Minneapolis, 1988. -- 220 p.
359. Smith P. Julia Kristeva et al., or Take three or more. // Feminism and psychoanalysis. / Ed. by Feldstein R., Roof J. -- Ithaca; L.,1989. --P. 84-104.
360. Sellers Ph. L'ecriture et 1'experience des limites. -- P., 1970. -190 P.
361. Sellers Ph. Theses generales. // Tel quel. -- P., 1971. -- No 44. -P. 96-98.
362. Spanos W. V. Repetitions: The postmodern occasion in literature and culture. -- Bloomington, 1987. -- 322 p.
363. Spitz R. A. De la naissance a la parole. -- P., 1979. -- 318 p.
364. Steiner W. The colours of rhetoric: Problems in the relation between modern lit. and painting. -- Chicago, 1982. -- 236 p.
365. Suleiman S. Naming and difference: Reflexions on "modernism versus postmodernism" in literature. // Approaching postmodernism. / Ed. by Fokkema D., Bertens H. -- Amsterdam, 1986.--P. 255-270.
366. Tadie J.-Y. La critique litteraire au XXe siecle. -- P., 1987. -- 318 p.
367. Technologies of the self: A seminar with Michel Foucault. / Ed. By Martin L. H. et al. -- L., 1988. -- 166 p.
368. Textual strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist criticism. / Ed. with an introd. by Harari J. V. -- L., 1980. -- 475 p.
369. Theorie d'ensemble. -- P., 1968. -- 275 р.
370. TodorovTz. Grammaire du Decameron.- Hague, 1969. -- 100 p.
371. Todorov Tz. Theorie du symbole. -- P., 1977. -- 357 p.
372. Turkic S. Psychoanalytic politics, Jacques Lacan and Freud's French revolution. -- L., 1978. -- 278 p.
373. Ungar S. Roland Barthes: The professor of desire. -- Lincoln, 1983. --XIX, 206 p.
374. Van den Heuvel P. Parole, mot, silence: Pour une poetique de renonclation. -- P., 1986. -- 319 p.
375. Virilio P. L'espace critique. -- P., 1984. -- 187 р.
376. Watt I. The rise of the novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. -- L., 1957. -- 319 p.
377. Weber S. Capitalising history: Notes on "The political unconscious". // The politics of theory. / Ed. by Barker F. et al. -- Colchester, 1983.--P. 248-264.
378. Welsch W. Unsere postmodeme Modeme. -- Weinheim, 1987. -- 344 S.
379. White H. Metahistory: The historical imagination in the nineteenth century. -- Baltimore; L.,1973. --XII, 448 p.
380. Wilde A. Horizons of assent: Modernism, postmodernism, and ironic imagination. -- Baltimore; L.,1981. --XII, 209 p.
381. Wilden A. The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real. // Wilden A. System and structure. -- L., 1973. -- P. 1-30.
382. Winders J.A. Poststructuralist theory, praxis, and the intellectual. // Contemporary lit. -- Madison, 1986. -- Vol. 27, No 1. -- P. 73- 84.
383. Wiseman M. The ecstasies of Roland Barthes. -- L.; N.Y., 1989. -XVIII, 204 p.
384. Wright E. Psychoanalytic criticism: Theory in practice. -- L., 1984. --200р.
385. Zavarzadeh M. The mythopoetic reality: The postwar Amer. nonfiction novel. -- Urbana, 1976. -- IX, 262 p.
Указатель имен
Августин бл. 189
Аверинцев С. С. 13; 14; 15
Авсоний 49
Автономова H. С. 27; 56; 57; 61; 64; 73; 86; 89
Адорно Т. 25; 192:209
Альтюссер Л. 76; 92
Амон Ф. 141
Аристотель 21;22;159;207
Арто А. 77; 85; 93; 102; 103; 105; 141
Бальзак О. 122;169
Барт Дж. 206
Барт Р. 8; 47; 56; 85; 89; 96; 109;116-118;121-125; 136; 139; 143;144;150-152; 154
175;201; 206;221;224-226; 232
Бартелми Д. 216
Батай Ж. 40; 77; 93; 141
Батлер К. 11; 29; 44; 200; 203
Бахтин М.М. 128; 224; 227
Башляр Г. 209
Беккер О. 209
Беккет С. 141
Беллини Дж. 141
Белей К. 177
Белый А. 128
Беме Я. 47
Бенвенист Э. 21; 22
Бензе M. 209
Бентам Дж. 83
Бернарсв. 126
БертенсХ. 201
Бланшо M. 40;206;209;210
Блум Х. 176; 177; 180; 193; 202; 211
Бове П. 177
Богранд Р.-А. де 227
Бодри Ж.-Л. 121; 122