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229. MacCabe С. James Joyce and the revolution of the world. -- L., 1978. -- 274 p.
230. MacCabe С. Theoretical essays. -- Manchester. 1985. -- VIII. 161 р.
231. MacCannell J. F. Figuring Lacan: Criticism a. the cultural unconscious. -- L., 1986. -- XXI, 182 p.
232. Maffesoli M. La socialidad en la postmodemidad. // Pergola. -Madrid. 1989. -- No 8. -- P. 100-124.
233. Mannoni M. Le psychiatre, son Той' et la psychanalyse. -- P.. 1970. -- 269 p.
234. Marcia J. E. Identity status approach to the study of Ego Identity development. // Self and identity: Psychological perspectives. /Ed. by Kardley J" Honess T. -- L.. 1987. -- P. 32-69.
235. Mead H. Mind, self and society. -- Chicago, 1934. -- XXXVIII, 400 p.
236. Megill A. Prophets of extremity: Nietzsche, Heidegger, Foucault. Derrida. -- Berkeley etc., 1985. -- XXIII. 399 p.
237. Melrose S. A semiotics of the dramatic text.-- L., 1994. -- IX. 338 p.
238. Merleau-Ponty M. La phenomenologie de la perception. -- P., 1967. -274 p.
239. Miller J. H. The linguistic moment: From Wordsworth to Stevens. -Princeton, 1985. --XXI, 445 p.
240. MitcheU J. Psychoanalysis and feminism. -- L., 1974. -- XXIII, 456 p.
241. Mnouchkine A. En plein soleil. // Fruits.-- P.. 1984 .-- No 2/3. -P. 14-37.
242. Moi T. Sexual/textual politics: Feminist lit. history. -- L.. 1985. -- 200р.
243. Morris W. The irrepressible real: Jacques Lacan a. poststructuralism. // American criticism in the poststructuralist age. / Ed. By Konigsberg I. -Michigan, 1981. -- P. 116-134.
244. Morrissette В. Post-modem generative fiction: Novel and film. // Crit. inquiry. -- Chicago, 1975. -- Vol. 2, No 2. -- P. 281-314.
245. Mortley R. Michel Serres. // Mortley R. French philosophers in conversation. --N. Y., 1991. -- P. 48-60.
246. New French feminisms: An anthology. / Ed. by Marks E.. Courtivron I. de. --Amherst, 1979. --XV, 282 p.
247. Norris Ch. Deconstruction and the interest of theory. -- L., 1988. -244р.
248. Ostriker A. Stealing the language: The emergence of women's poetry in America. -- Boston, 1986. -- XVII, 315р.
249. Perrone-Moises L. L'intertextualite critique. // Poetique. -- P., 1976. -- No 27. -- P. 372-384.
250. Postmodeme: Zeichen eines kulturellen Wandels. // Hrsg. Von Hussen A.. Scherpe K. R. -- Reinbeck bei Hamburg, 1986. -- 427 S.
251. Post-structuralism and the question of history. / Ed. by Attridge D., Bennington G., Young R. -- Cambridge. 1987. -- VIII, 293 p.
252. Price M. Forms of life: Character and imagination in the novel. -New Haven, 1983. -- 198 p.
253. Prospectus // Cultural critique. -- Minneapolis, 1985. -- No 1. - P. 4-6.
254. Ricoeur P. De 1'interpretation: Essai sur Freud. -- P., 1965. - 536 p.
255. Ricoeur P. Temps et recit. -- P., 1983-1985. --T. 1-2.
256. Rivals Y. Les demoiselles d'A. -- P., 1979. -- 462 p.
257. Ruthrof H. The hidden telos: Hermeneutics in critical rewriting. // Semiotica. -- Berlin; N. Y., 1994 .--Vol. 100. No 1 .-- P. 69-93.
258. Ruthven К. К. Feminist literary studies: An introduction. -Cambridge, 1984.--VII, 152р.
259. Ryan M. Marxism and deconstruction: A crit. approach. -- Baltimore. 1982.-XIX.232p.
260. Sarbin T. R. Narratology as a root metapher in psychology. // Narrative psychology: The storied nature of human conduct. / Ed. By Sarbin T. R. -- N. E.. 1986. -- P. 14-68.
261. Sarup M. An introductory guide to post-structuralism and postmodernism. -- N. Y., 1988. --VIII, 171 p.
262. Schneiderman S. Jacques Lacan: The death of an intellectual hero. -Harvard, 1983.--VII. 182р.
263. Scholes R. Textual power: Lit. theory a. the teaching of English. -New Haven: L.. 1985. --XII, 176р.
264. Serres M. Hermes: Literature, science, philosophy. -- Baltimore, 1982. --XL, 168 p.
265. Showalter E. Feminist criticism in the wilderness. // Writing and sexual difference. / Ed. by Abel E. -- L.: Chicago, 1982. -- P. 9-35.
266. Showalter E. A literature of their own: British women novelists from Bronte to Lessing. -- Princeton, 1977. -- VIII, 378 p.
267. Showalter E. Towards a feminist poetics. // Women writing and writing about women. / Ed. by Jacobus M. L. -- Croom Helm. 1979. --P. 22-41.
268. Showalter E. Women and the literary curriculum. // College English. -- Middletown. 1977. -- No 32. -- P. 855-866.
269. Smith P. Discerning the subject. -- Minneapolis, 1988. -- 220 p.
270. Spivak G. Ch. French feminism in an international frame. // Yale French studies. - New Haven, 1981. -- No 62. -- 211 p.
271. Stevick Ph. Alternative pleasures: Postrealist fiction and the tradition. -- Urbana, 1981. -- XXI, 222 p.
272. Stevick Ph. Sheherezade runs out of plots, goes on talking: the king. puzzled, listens: An essay on new fiction. // The novel today: Contemporary writers on modern fiction. /Ed. by Bradbury M. -- Glasgow, 1977. P. 194-222.
273. Suleiman S. Naming and difference: Reflexions on "modernism versus postmodernism" in literarure. // Approaching postmodernism. / Ed. by Fokkema D.. Bertens H. -- Amsterdam: Philadelphia. 1986. -- P. 255-270.
274. Technologies ol the self: A seminar with Michel Foucaiilt. / Ed. By Martin L. H. et al. -- L.. 1988. -- 166 p.
275. Texts of identity. /Ed. by Shotter J., Gergen K. J. -- L. etc.. 1989. XI. 244 p.
276. Textual strategies: Perspectives in post-structuralist criticism. / Ed. with an introd. by Harari J. V. -- L.. 1980. -- 475 p.
277. Theorie d'ensemble. -- P.. 1968. -- 275 р.
278. Todorov Tz. Grammaire du Decameron. --The Hague. 1969. -- 100 p.
279. Turkic S. Psychoanalytic politics. Jacques Lacan and Freud's French revolution. -- L., 1978. --X, 278 p.
280. Ubersfeld A. Lire le theatre.-- P.. 1977 - 316 p.
281. Ulmer G. Applied grammatology.-- Baltimore, 1985 . -- XIX. 337 p.
282. Ventos X. R. de. De la modemidad: Ensayo de filosofia critica. -Barcelona . 1980. -- 198 p.
283. Ventos X. R. de. Por que filosofia. -- Barcelona. 1990. -- 218 p.
284. Vidal M. С. The death of politics and sex in the eighties show. // New lit. history. -- Charlottesville. 1993. --Vol. 24, No 1. -- P. 171-194.
285. Weedon Ch. Feminist practice and poststructurallst theory. -- Oxford. 1987.--VIII. 187р.
286. Welsch W. Unsere postmodeme Modeme. -- Weinheim. 1987. -- 344 S.
287. West С. The dilemma of the black intellectual. // Cultural critique. -- Minneapolis. 1985. -- No 1. -- P. 109-124.
288. White H. Metahistory: The historical imagination in the nineteenth century. -- Baltimore: L.. 1973. -- XII. 448 p.
289. White H. Tropics of discourse. -- Baltimore. 1978. XI, 178 p.
290. Wilden A. The Symbolic, the Imaginary and the Real. // Wilden A. System and structure. -- L.. 1972. -- P. 1-30.
291. Women and language in literature and society. / Ed. By McConnel-Ginet S.. Barker R., Furman W. -- N. Y.. 1980. -- 358 p.
292. Worthen W. B. Modem drama and the rhetoric of theater.-- Los Angeles: Oxford. 1992 .-- 230 p.
293. Wright E. Psychoanalytic criticism: Theory in practice. -- L.. 1984. -- 200 p.
294. Yaeger P. Honey-mad women: Emancipatory strategies in women's writing. -- N. Y.. 1988. -- 252 p.
295. Young R. Untying the text: A post-structuralist reader. - L.. 1981. -- 278р.
296. Zavarzadeh M. The mythopoetic reality: The postwar American nonfictlon novel. -- Urbana, 1976. -- IX. 262 p.
Указатель имен
Имена мифологических героев и литературных персонажей выделены курсивом.
Автономова H. С. 28-29; 51
Агамемнон- 197:200
Адамс M. 148
Адорно Т. 19
Алмер Г. 184
Альтюссер JI. 41;43;51; 57; 77; 103;113-115;126-129