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Besant Annie, Leadbeater C. W. Man: Whence, How and Whither.- London: TPH, 1913.
Besant Annie, Leadbeater C. W. Thought Forms. — London: TPH, 1925.
Das Bhagavan. The Science of the Emotions. — London: TPH, 1924.
Hodson Geoffrey. Basic Theosophy— London: TPH, 1981. Hodson Geoffrey. The Miracle of Birth. — London: TPH, 1981.
Hodson Geoffrey. Reincarnation — Fact or Fallacy? — London: TPH, 1970.
Hodson Geoffrey. The Seven Human Temperaments. — London: TPH, 1952.
Jinarajadasa C. First Principles of Theosophy. — London: TPH, 1922.
Leadbeater C. W. The Astral Plane. — London: TPH, 1973. Leadbeater C. W. The Devacanic Plane. — London: TPH, 1974.
Leadbeater C. W. The Hidden Side of Things. — TPH, 1977. Leadbeater C. W. The Inner Life.- TPH, 1978.
LeadbeaterC. W. Invisible Helpers. — London: TPH, 1976. Leadbeater С. W. The Life after Death. — London: TPH, 1973.
Leadbeater C. W. The Masters and the Path. — London: TPH, 1975.
LeadbeaterC. W. The Monad. — London: TPH, 1974.
Leadbeater C. W. A Textbook of Theosophy. — London: TPH, 1975. The Letters of H. P. Blavatsky to A. P. Sinnett. — Pasadena, Calif., Theosophical University Press, 1973.
Neal Viola Petitte, Karagulla Shafica. Through the Curtain. — London: De Vorss & Company, 1983.
Powell A. E. The Astral Body- London: TPH, 1976.
Powell A. E. The Causal Body— London: TPH, 1972.
Powell A. E. The Etheric Double. — London: TPH, 1969.
Powell A. E. The Mental Body— London: TPH, 1975.
Powell A. E. The Solar System. — London: TPH, 1971.
Purucker G. de. Occult Glossary— London: Theosophical University Press, 1972.
Ransom Josephine: A Short History of the Theosophical Society— London: TPH, 1938. t Scott-Elliotte W. Legends of Atlantis and Lost Lemuria. — London: TPH, 1990.
Sheldrake Rupert. A New Science of Life. — London: Paladin, 1983.
Steiner Rudolf. Atlantis and Lemuria. — Dornach: Antroposophical Publications, 1923.