The Howling Delve

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"The gathering power will wake the beast. He seeks release; the walls are breaking down. Soon he will be free."
"We can't subdue Varan without risking him bringing down the whole cavern system," Meisha said. "We need help." Take the warning. She grasped her Harper pin as an idea began to form. "Your power affected this," she said. "Can you affect the same object, at a greater distance? Can you push your power through the earth?"
"I can," the dwarf said. "There will be a price."
Meisha didn't like the sound of that, but she didn't see any other way. "The closest person ..." Gods, she thought, when I tell him it's Balram, he'll come running. He won't know what to make of this. "It will have to travel over many miles," she told the dwarf.
"What are you doing?" Talal wanted to know.
"Sending a message," said Meisha.
* * * * *
"What is it?" Kall asked.
Kall and Dantane stood over the wizard's worktable while Dantane sifted through the charred remnants of the magic that had killed the lute player, Dynon Chadossa.
"Whatever the outcome, the magic's intended effect was to create an illusion, something to make the boy appear and sound as a woman to conceal his identity," Dantane said.
"I spoke with his family privately this morning," said Kall. "Lord Chadossa, as far as I could tell, appeared genuinely baffled. He was unaware his son even enjoyed music, let alone possessed a talent for bardcraft."
"It would appear Dynon didn't want his father to know about his shameful hobby," Dantane observed as he dug out one of the charred roots for closer inspection.
"There's no profit in bardcraft in Amn, not if you're the son of a wealthy lumber merchant," said Kall. "The boy must have realized his family would be subject to ridicule if word got out that he spent his nights plucking a lute instead of helping his father challenge the Bladesmiles for their stake in the lumber trade. He'd've done better building instruments instead of playing them."
"The punishment will be much worse now that he's been killed employing a magical device—a faulty one at that." Dantane tossed the root aside and went for another.
"There will be no retribution from the families," Kall said. "Chadossa has seen to that."
Dantane raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Amn has suddenly developed a forgiving nature when lives are threatened by horrific wizardry?"
"The family officially reported Dynon missing as of this morning. A search is underway, but the outlook is unfavorable. The Lady Chadossa is sick with grief, or so I'm told," Kall said, his voice flat. "The body of the lute player is being reported as an unidentified human female, as many witnesses can attest."
"You know it's Chadossa's son. Chadossa knows."
"Yes, but in the lord's words, 'sullying his family's name with magic won't avenge the boy's death.' An investigation into where he acquired such dangerous magic might, but Chadossa seemed uninterested in that suggestion," Kall said bitterly.
"What did he offer you in exchange for your silence on the matter?" asked Dantane.
Kall looked away. "A substantial loan—enough to cover my remaining debts—with next to no interest attached. He was most. .. generous."
Dantane looked impressed. "Then your worries are over. You can reestablish your father's business in a season. Many blemishes on your name will be forgotten in the wake of such a feat."
Kall shot the wizard a withering glance. "I will keep my silence, but I didn't take the deal, as you knew I wouldn't."
"How would I know?" countered the wizard, appearing genuinely surprised. "Any merchant family in Amn would welcome Chadossa's offer, and if I'm not mistaken, your goal is to count yourself among their elite. I know nothing of your motives or character, nor do I care to learn. If you wish to impress someone with your nobility, seek out your lady. Oh, but I forget," Dantane said, sneering, "She only pretends to be yours, as part of your ruse. Go to the friends who watch over you, then, if you can root them out from their hiding places."
Kall bristled. "You speak outside your experience, Dantane. Tread lightly where my friends are concerned."
"Of course, Lord Morel." Dantane offered a mocking half-bow. "Perhaps, if you feel the need to prove something, you should avenge the boy's death yourself. You obviously want to, since Chadossa will not. My only interest in the matter is how long you can continue to pay my salary, and since you refused Chadossa's offer, the answer to that is clear. Fortunately for you, this"—he rustled the ashes of the lute player's bane—"interests me greatly. Its age alone makes it worth a fortune Dynon Chadossa could not have hoped to have lying about."
"How old?" asked Kall, setting aside his anger for the moment.
Dantane held up the tendril he'd been examining. "I was wrong. These aren't roots. They're threads. The ones which remained intact after the burning are made of some type of ore. The item is not plant-based, and no wonder. I'm only estimating, but some of the components appear to be over a thousand years old." His voice rose excitedly. "But there's more. There are layers here, magic from multiple casters who may or may not have lived in the same century. It's as if I'm unraveling a tapestry put together by different weavers. I'm going to attempt to identify the layers. If I can do that, I might be able to determine where the magic malfunctioned, turning the boy from a woman to a monster." He gestured for Kall to move aside. "You'll want to observe from a safe distance. If whatever affected Chadossa's son tries to attack me as well. . ."
Kall's sword hissed from its scabbard. "You'll have a quick death," he said.
"I was going to say I'll need your aid to break free," Dantane said sourly, "but I've just now reconsidered. Stand back."
Reluctantly, Kall moved to the far side of the room and stood near the window. He rested his sword point down in front of him and leaned against the wall, waiting.
Dantane knelt on the floor, placing the remnants of the item in a prepared circle of symbols drawn in chalk lines on the floor. His fingers moved, stiffly at first, gradually gaining speed and dexterity. Steepling his thumbs, the wizard pressed the backs of his fingers tightly together in a rough imitation of one of the symbols on the floor. The corresponding mark burst into a blue radiance. The wizard continued to gesture, and each of the symbols in turn lit to join a strange, pulsating dance around the charred item.
Kall raised a hand against the sting of the blinding light. If Dantane succeeded, he wondered, then what? Chadossa's own family didn't care what had caused Dynon's demise. Why did he? Was it simply because he'd had a taste of Dynon's life—because he'd known the father who gave nothing of himself, except his name, to his son?
He'd never known Dhairr, not truly, Kall admitted. As a boy, he'd craved the man's attention, but eventually he'd accepted the fact that Dhairr was content only when building his jewel empire and plotting against invisible assassins. Kall knew nothing about the man's past or how he'd met Kall's mother, Alytia.
He had to believe there was more to what he felt than a sense of neglect. His and Chadossa's stories were common enough among the merchant families. There were certainly worse fates than being born to an uncaring father.
Kall thought of Aazen, and wondered if his friend truly had managed to escape his father, or if he was still trapped in Balram's unyielding grip.
Wingbeats sounded behind Kall, and the scrape of talons on stone as a hawk landed in the open window. A moment later, Cesira stood beside him. Her familiar presence bolstered him.