Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке.(ЛП)

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Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке.(ЛП)
Название: Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке.(ЛП)
Дата добавления: 16 январь 2020
Количество просмотров: 234
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Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке.(ЛП) читать книгу онлайн

Темное, кривое зеркало. Том 3 : След на песке.(ЛП) - читать бесплатно онлайн , автор Уильямс Гарэт Д.

Год 2260, двенадцать лет прошло после уничтожения минбарцами Земли. Земной флот с помощью своих союзников, Теней, повернул ход войны вспять и превратил Минбар в отравленный пепел. Попытка Синевала восстановить свою власть над выжившими минбарцами была сорвана неожиданным появлением их величайшего пророка и вождя, вернувшегося наконец после многих тысяч лет отсутствия.

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"You creep me out when you do that." She shivered. "Oh, don't look at me like that. One minute you're almost the Jeff I knew, and I can almost forget you've got that damned bone growing out of your skull, and then…. and then you switch personalities and creep me out. What has that stone garden got to do with anything anyway?"

"What do you see when you look at it?"

She shrugged. "Rocks. Sand. More sand. What am I supposed to see?"

"I see footsteps stretching out across the sand, running forever on into the distance. And I know that I'm following them, travelling a path that has already been travelled…. There's a man waiting for me at the end…. and he's me.

"Catherine, I remember things that I have not yet done. I can see my future…. your past. The Vorlons did that to me. They changed my appearance, my memories, took away almost everything that made me human…. leaving just enough so that I would be the Valen of history. They took you away from me. They took everything away from me.

"I have no choice but to follow this path. They made sure of that."

"You…. remember your future?"

"I know what is to happen. The histories record everything I said, and did, and all the mistakes I made…. mistakes I have to make again. Footsteps in the sand."

"Then you…. you know how you're going to die?"

He shivered and bowed his head, gripping the balcony rail tightly. "Don't ask me. I can never tell you. Never tell anyone."

"I don't know if you're Jeffrey or…. the other guy at the moment. I don't think I want to know. What are you going to do now?"

"Stay here. I have to. I don't think the Vorlons want me to go too far…."

He must stay here, until the time is right.

Catherine recoiled at the alien thoughts, but she said nothing. He did not seem to notice.

"Besides, if I head out into the galaxy, there's too much that could happen. The Minbari are…. falling apart at the moment. If I tried to help, I'd just make things worse. I know I would. Neither of the factions out there wants me, not really. But here…. I can help. There are some Minbari who…. remember what I'm meant to represent, and they're coming here. They're coming to safety and strengthening this place…. all at the same time.

"I have to stay here. But you, Catherine…. what are you going to do? I…. I would like you to stay."

"I don't know. I'd…. been told I would find you here, but I had no idea it would be like this. I…. I need to think. I'd like to see a bit more of this place."

"Of course. I'll give you a guided tour."

"I just hope that no one back home gets word of me hanging around with a Minbari."

He smiled, but it was a false smile. She looked at him, and wondered what thoughts were there, behind that so-alien face. For a brief moment equally alien thoughts flitted inside her mind — but only for a moment, and then they were gone, the Vorlon influence receding to her subconscious, content to wait. For the moment, at least.

* * *

Delenn stood still, looking out into space. All she could see were the human ships floating there. The same human ships that had destroyed Minbar.

"No," she muttered. "We destroyed Minbar. Our arrogance. Our sins. Us, not them."

She grimaced, placing her hands against her forehead. Her head was pounding. She had been concentrating on this for…. she did not know how long. A long time. It had been foolishness to imagine this would work, but she had to try. All communications signals were blocked. There was still no word from the Machine and she had accepted that something had happened to G'Kar. Sinoval had gone, and would in all likelihood not return even if he was aware of what was happening here. His loyalties lay elsewhere.

There was only John, and only one way to contact him.

She had never tried using her link with Lyta in this way before. Neither of them was sure how it worked or what it was capable of. Delenn knew only that it was a connection of some sort, and part of what had led to a wonderful friendship.

Lyta was with John. If only she could somehow…. get…. something…. through.

A warm wind seemed to be blowing into her mind, a rush of gold on blue. She fell to her knees, almost screaming. She had touched something all right. But what?

"Lyta? Lyta?"

Are you ready?

"Kosh…." The Vorlon who had placed a part of himself within her, the same part that was now within Lyta; the source of their connection.

A deal was made. My part in it is almost done. Remember what you saw.

"What I saw…? I don't…."


She screamed as something seemed to explode in her mind. She fell forward to her knees, her hands clawing against the plastics, seemingly clawing against space itself.

"Delenn?" Lyta! At last! "Delenn…. what is happening? You're…. you're hurting me."

"We…. need you, Lyta. We…. we…. need you…."

"What is…?" Lyta was screaming. "Delenn…. What…?" Her voice was growing quieter, only her screams remaining. "What…?" It faded, and there was silence again.

Behind Delenn, standing in the doorway, were four human security officials. One of them activated a link. "Captain Smith. We have her, sir."

* * *

"All this…. and for what?"

Kozorr touched her arm gently and she winced from the pain. She felt very dizzy, but something kept her upright. Kats wondered what it could possibly be. By rights she should be unconscious by now.

"A warning. Look closer. All the damage was concentrated on the Administration building, the Government bases, military locations…. next to nothing on civilian targets."

Kats nodded, breathing out harshly. She should have seen that. "But who…?"

"That thing that attacked you. It mentioned…. someone called the Z'ondar?" She nodded again. "Do you think it meant Sonovar? Some sort of linguistic corruption perhaps? Sinoval and I have ben expecting something from Sonovar for a while, but…. nothing like this." He shook his head. "I just wish I knew who these aliens were."

"What…. now?"

"Now, my lady, I am taking you to a place where you can heal. There are survivors who have set up emergency hospitals. Then…. I'll try to take one of these aliens alive. Some of them are still here. I suppose I had better try to find out where Administrator Callen is, but that might be a low-priority assignment."

She chuckled, and then swayed, almost falling. He caught her awkwardly, his ruined hand unable to afford him proper leverage. "Too…. much…. blood…."

"Come on, Kats. There is somewhere not far. Just…. stay conscious. Talk to me…."

"About…. what…?"

"Anything." He took a few steps forward, holding her in as balanced a position as he could manage. "Your childhood. Your parents. Your…. Kats! Stay awake!"

"…. Trying…." She could see Kalain again, floating in front of her, above her, laughing, mocking her. Worker bitch. Murderer! Inferior. Hardly Minbari at all were the worker caste. Nothing more than animals, really. Valen might have raised them up, but that was all they were.

"Kats…." Kozorr's voice was fading, and everything around her seemed dark. "Kats…. my lady…. Stay awake…. my lady."

I love you.

Had he said those words, or had she only imagined them? She tried to think of something to say, but the words would not come out. She reached up for him, but could not move her arm. Darkness took her at last.

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